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Sharing what we learn about New Deco Changes
#41 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2020 9:19:46 PM(UTC)

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Viegoth;1654118 wrote:

ToggleWebImage doesn't actually do anything. I think it may be a holdover from some attempt by previous devs to do something interesting. But the reason it disappears after you select it is because it isn't actually a script that currently exists. Same reason that Rotate Object CCW/CW now appears as 'missing' on props that use to have this script.

To use the new features of the Cached Web Image script, you select whichever option you want to toggle (Visibility/Collision), then either make the prop Clickable, as you have done, or use an external Trigger (switch or box) to change the state.

Basically, you can make the prop "disappear" when triggered, or you can make it impassible when triggered. Since Cached Web Image is the mostly commonly used way of putting a texture on a wall or surface, it makes sense that this could also be used to create a sort of "door" or covering.

Without giving away too much... think of say, an evolving maze that changes as people move around it.

Thanks for the correction. I guess I was just overthinking it. I just tried out the Enable Visibility with the Trigger Linked Script. I see what you mean about the maze. There will some interesting uses for some of these new scripts.


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#42 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 4:58:35 AM(UTC)

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In continuation of the discovery of what new toys we have to play with from the deco perspective...

Audio Add Sound:

This one has already been touched on by a few people, but I wanted to give a little of my own insight and perspective on it.

To begin with, you need to know that sounds played with this script fall under the category of 'World Sounds'. So you will need to have 'Play World Sounds' enabled in your client settings, or you won't hear anything.

First, there is the source of the sound file.

As most can imagine, this little nugget of a script allows us to use sound files (.wav files only) from an online source (ie. The Web). But what most probably don't realize is that this script also allows you to use sounds that are local to Utherverse; those found within the client folder. Now obviously there are not many to choose from, but there are a few.

Before you get the idea of adding your own sounds to the Utherverse resource folder... don't! Doing so would technically be a violation of the TOS. And any files you did add (which you should not do) would only be heard by you.

The best way to use this script is to use a .wav file hosted somewhere on the internet. There are a number of sites out there that allow you to use sound files they make available for free. And those with access to a hosting site of their own can upload sound files they purchase or create and use them from there. Just about any web hosting site on the internet is also capable of serving up .wav sound files.

So once you have the .wav sound file chosen that you want to use, grab the URL and paste it into the first box labeled appropriately "URL".

Next, you will need to determine if you want the sound to start playing automatically, or not. Setting the Auto-Start option will make the sound play as soon as someone enters the property. (more about who hears the sound later)

Next, you will want to set the Volume. Now this one is a bit tricky. Obviously you can set the volume to anything from 1 (most quiet) to 100 (most loud). However, if you intend to use the 'Proximity' option, the volume you choose is very important.

Proximity, which is the next setting in this script, is based on a number of things. One, your proximity to the prop, or how close or far away you are. It is also based on the volume of the sound being played.

But where things get tricky are the placement of the prop and its orientation. In Utherverse, World Sounds (which this one technically is) are directional. That is, they are not just blasted throughout the entire region, but are fixed on a single position, and where you are in relation to that position, determines how you hear the sound (to the left or right, or infront or behind). What also matters is the rotation of the prop, in regards to which ear you hear it out of, for stereo sounds (if you hear it in your left ear and think it should in to the right, rotate the prop 180 degrees).

And the last thing that seems to play a part in the volume and proximity of the sound, is the size of the property you are in. For smaller properties, proximity seems to be much more sensitive. What this means is, if you set the volume to 100 and enable Proximity, it isn't going to matter where you are in the property. It's going to be super load.

For the property I have tested (which I will show below) I found that a maximum volume of 50 works best. Anything beyond that and it didn't seem to matter how far away I was.

Now obviously, if you choose not to enable Proximity, the sound is going to play at whatever volume you set throughout the entire property.

The last setting in this script is "Loop Sound", which I suppose you can think of as "Repeat". Basically it repeats the sound however many times you specify, up to 9998 times. If you set this value to 0, the sound will play once and stop. If you set it to 9999, it repeats indefinitely.

A couple of things to note, because I'm sure you are probably already wondering. "Activate on Load" is not required for this script, and ultimately has no effect. That's what the 'Auto-Start' setting it for. However, if you want to be able to start and stop the sound manually, you will need to set the "Clickable Trigger" option under the State tab.

And lastly, before we get to the demonstration, I want to talk about who hears what when the sound is played.

When a person enters the property, if the sound is set to Auto-Start, they are the only ones to hear the sound. However, if someone else clicks on the sound (providing that it is Clickable) or if the sound is triggered in another way (using "Trigger Linked Script" ) , then everyone in the region will hear the sound play. Of course proximity comes in to play here if that option is enabled.

Ok, that's enough talking. Let's get on with the videos.

I'm going to show a series of 5 videos, each at different distance, starting from furthest away. This will give you an idea of how proximity works.

This first video will be really quiet, so you may need to turn your speakers up to hear it.

And a little bit closer, again the sound will be somewhat quiet in this one.

And closer still... the sound will be louder, so adjust your speakers accordingly.

And now just a few feet away. This one will be much louder, so be careful not to wake the household.

And finally, right ontop of the prop. Again... loud! Mind your ears.

And there you have it.

I hope I didn't lose anyone with this explanation. I do tend to get a little involved when I explain things.



"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

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#43 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 9:37:16 AM(UTC)

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The effect i am hoping for is to have sound work like create light area and triger boxes.

Within the box hear the sound leave the box sound stops. The fiddling i did with it i have the volume set to 8 and i do know if you get far enough away it does fade out.

Simple use of this if it worked like create light area would be the dog props with a trigger box around them move away don't hear the dog barking

Dj streams are on world sound pretty sure when you leave the region their stream/sound does not follow you to the next region. The test i did in post #38 towards the end of the video i show/hear that it does that, jump to another region the sound followed me.

If you loop these indefinately the sound will follow you from region to region indefinitely?

Am i missing something that i caused it to work that way? i got the trigger script right would start the sound from trigger box. Maybe there is a way to tweak the var values in the code of the script so you don't have to be way far away/proximity for the sound to start fading out.

WAV files are uncompressed 6 to 9 times the size of .ogg sound files unfortunate if nothing can be done to change the audio codec on the world sounds.

Sincere TY Viegoth for the explaining on these.

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2 users thanked Silesa for this useful post.
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#44 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 11:40:05 AM(UTC)

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hi hi - so, i've got something weird going on that i can't figure out. if anyone walks into a certain area of my beach, the whole back portion lights up a bit. you can walk in and out of this area, and the back will light and un-light as you move and it's visible to everyone in the place. i've looked for triggers, can't find any other than the dance trigger which isn't a light source - checked all the light sources... i'm befuddled. any suggestions?
#45 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 11:50:05 AM(UTC)

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rolichan;1654161 wrote:
hi hi - so, i've got something weird going on that i can't figure out. if anyone walks into a certain area of my beach, the whole back portion lights up a bit. you can walk in and out of this area, and the back will light and un-light as you move and it's visible to everyone in the place. i've looked for triggers, can't find any other than the dance trigger which isn't a light source - checked all the light sources... i'm befuddled. any suggestions?

and naturally, the minute i posted that - it stopped doing it. LOL

so, i think i may have just learned something... there were two people there with me when i noticed it. i found some light sources that weren't checked to activate on load, i fixed them and two of us f5'd, but the third person didn't. the problem went away when my friends left. so did that just teach me that unless everyone refreshes, changes don't kick in?
#46 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:17:55 PM(UTC)

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rolichan;1654162 wrote:
rolichan;1654161 wrote:
hi hi - so, i've got something weird going on that i can't figure out. if anyone walks into a certain area of my beach, the whole back portion lights up a bit. you can walk in and out of this area, and the back will light and un-light as you move and it's visible to everyone in the place. i've looked for triggers, can't find any other than the dance trigger which isn't a light source - checked all the light sources... i'm befuddled. any suggestions?

and naturally, the minute i posted that - it stopped doing it. LOL
so, i think i may have just learned something... there were two people there with me when i noticed it. i found some light sources that weren't checked to activate on load, i fixed them and two of us f5'd, but the third person didn't. the problem went away when my friends left. so did that just teach me that unless everyone refreshes, changes don't kick in?

Yes, while the person who does the changes sees them immediately (in most cases), all others first need to F5.
1 user thanked A_Seddy for this useful post.
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#47 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:29:45 PM(UTC)

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If anyone has the time could you please give a clear example of lights going on by pressing a switch? Either a table lamp or ceiling lights, both if possible. A few years back I could have worked this out myself but with severe pain meds now I struggle. The meds work on the brain to kill pain, in doing so they short circuit my short term memory and cause confusion. I have a sort of brick wall in my head that expands under pressure, making me pass out if I push it too much and the pressure pushes against the inner side of the skull.

Thanks a lot if anyone has the time to do it. I will use this info for myself and to help others free of charge as usual. Sorry for giving out the details of the meds but this is why I cannot do the things I used to take for granted. The helper has become the one in need of help, much like the hunter becomes the hunted.

EDIT: Cancel that request please! Selina (Techy) told me to check out Martas post. Instead I went to the fantastic place Marta set up with sample props in and the water that was muddy became clear for me. Thanks to Selina, big thanks to Marta and also to Siren for her helpful post and all others helping in this post too. I used to do all this but now I have to be on the receiving end unless I swap brains and meds. Huge thanks, Marta! xxx

Let's please remember that not all Designers take take take. They not only produce excellent properties, some sell them, but they almost all offer 100% free help to people. These folks are dead busy but still take time out to help the rest of us. I myself am humbled at their efforts.
NOTE: My nick and image are from a company. That company allows people to use them both as long as they get permission and a licence. I have that and a certificate to prove it.

"These are not the Druids you are looking for..."
6 users thanked The_Black_Rieder for this useful post.
Silesa on 9/26/2020(UTC), Sandra_SD_SoF on 9/27/2020(UTC), Anhton_Novo on 9/28/2020(UTC), Katrin_Vesuvino on 9/28/2020(UTC), Never_Lost on 9/30/2020(UTC), Cala_ULIKHYI on 10/15/2020(UTC)
#48 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:56:36 PM(UTC)

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A_Seddy;1654168 wrote:
rolichan;1654162 wrote:
rolichan;1654161 wrote:
hi hi - so, i've got something weird going on that i can't figure out. if anyone walks into a certain area of my beach, the whole back portion lights up a bit. you can walk in and out of this area, and the back will light and un-light as you move and it's visible to everyone in the place. i've looked for triggers, can't find any other than the dance trigger which isn't a light source - checked all the light sources... i'm befuddled. any suggestions?

and naturally, the minute i posted that - it stopped doing it. LOL
so, i think i may have just learned something... there were two people there with me when i noticed it. i found some light sources that weren't checked to activate on load, i fixed them and two of us f5'd, but the third person didn't. the problem went away when my friends left. so did that just teach me that unless everyone refreshes, changes don't kick in?

Yes, while the person who does the changes sees them immediately (in most cases), all others first need to F5.

yes, that i know - however that wasn't the case here. as i said, i made the changes and didn't see the effect of that change - as did one of my friends even though both of us refreshed. it wasn't until the one who didn't f5 left that the changes kicked in.
2 users thanked rolichan for this useful post.
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#49 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:05:04 PM(UTC)

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The_Black_Rieder;1654170 wrote:
If anyone has the time could you please give a clear example of lights going on by pressing a switch? Either a table lamp or ceiling lights, both if possible. A few years back I could have worked this out myself but with severe pain meds now I struggle. The meds work on the brain to kill pain, in doing so they short circuit my short term memory and cause confusion. I have a sort of brick wall in my head that expands under pressure, making me pass out if I push it too much and the pressure pushes against the inner side of the skull.

Thanks a lot if anyone has the time to do it. I will use this info for myself and to help others free of charge as usual. Sorry for giving out the details of the meds but this is why I cannot do the things I used to take for granted. The helper has become the one in need of help, much like the hunter becomes the hunted.

check your PM, rieder Smile
2 users thanked rolichan for this useful post.
Sandra_SD_SoF on 9/27/2020(UTC), The_Black_Rieder on 9/29/2020(UTC)
#50 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:40:08 PM(UTC)

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actual this issues from the patch basic members can fix self:

the play music script can be fixed when they use in state tab now activate on load and if they also want that evryone can start and stop it then they can use clickable trigger in state too.

the attach emitters can be fixed when they use in state tab activate on load.

the new rotation scripts can be used.

the move within bounded box script can be fixed when in state tab activate on load is.

the light scripts can be fixed with activate on load in state tab.

this cant basic members now fix

the new open door script is not able to use for Basic members to make doors working again
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#51 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:48:28 PM(UTC)

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Silesa;1654156 wrote:

Dj streams are on world sound pretty sure when you leave the region their stream/sound does not follow you to the next region. The test i did in post #38 towards the end of the video i show/hear that it does that, jump to another region the sound followed me.


Yeah, actually DJ streams are NOT world sounds. They are music streams (ie. Play Streaming Music). Totally different type of sound and would be handled in a different way. In fact, just the word "world" in the name of these sounds suggests they would play throughout the virtual world once started. Maybe that's why they are limited to 120 seconds?

As for the fade, I think this has a lot to do with the type of property. When I initially tested this, I did so on a large foundation property and was able to set the volume at 80 or higher and could hear the sound fade out as I got further away. But inside a property with walls, the maximum volume seems to be much lower. Maybe echo? Of course I also don't have my speakers or computer volume cranked to 100 either (find 80% on computer volume is a reasonable level). But again, I think it has a lot to do with the type and size of property.

More experimentation needs to be done to get a real idea on this one.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

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#52 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2020 7:30:39 PM(UTC)

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Viegoth;1654176 wrote:
Silesa;1654156 wrote:

Dj streams are on world sound pretty sure when you leave the region their stream/sound does not follow you to the next region. The test i did in post #38 towards the end of the video i show/hear that it does that, jump to another region the sound followed me.


Yeah, actually DJ streams are NOT world sounds. They are music streams (ie. Play Streaming Music). Totally different type of sound and would be handled in a different way. In fact, just the word "world" in the name of these sounds suggests they would play throughout the virtual world once started. Maybe that's why they are limited to 120 seconds?

As for the fade, I think this has a lot to do with the type of property. When I initially tested this, I did so on a large foundation property and was able to set the volume at 80 or higher and could hear the sound fade out as I got further away. But inside a property with walls, the maximum volume seems to be much lower. Maybe echo? Of course I also don't have my speakers or computer volume cranked to 100 either (find 80% on computer volume is a reasonable level). But again, I think it has a lot to do with the type and size of property.

More experimentation needs to be done to get a real idea on this one.


i like your theory Vie and now that you mention it i got the sound to fade when i went down halls made turns into other rooms in the Rose property.

If your theory is correct that is not just proximity that is physics.

The street ambient sound i mentioned could work the sound fades once you are on the other side of collidable walls maybe? Where open space nothing to keep the sound from traveling. i do hope your theory is correct Vie seems reasonable and only way it faded for me was walls. The carry the sound to new region still a mystery, bug, something in settings, or it is what it is idk.

TY Vie

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Sandra_SD_SoF on 9/27/2020(UTC)
#53 Posted : Monday, September 28, 2020 12:14:08 PM(UTC)

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Not interested or looking to be a part of macho peeing contests
over finding solutions/answers on this. Condescending only adds
to the obstacles. i believe everyone is given different talents
and gifts/different view of things. No better or worse and working
together is the best way to get past obstacles.

Part of my assessment of this script is based on DJ streams also
cuts off when the RLC window is clicked out of. Which there is a user setting
that affects that.

i could be wrong and don't care about that.i do care about the best way past the
obsticles and onto solutions. IMO that takes people working together
not against each other.

With that said (the video) i tried the script many different ways with/without
trigger box and different values in volume, different property, check and unchecked
options etc....

i was not able to duplicate the sound fading as i did by going down halls into other rooms on the other property. i know it did it, just not sure if that was not what it seemed to be and was actually doing the proximity part of the script correctly.

Not saying i am at a total Brick wall but hoping others will try their talents, patience, view of this to understand it better and determine if the script is functioning as it should be and what setting got it to work that way.

In other words i give on it for a while not ashamed not found the solution yet. Why i hope others will give it a try or try again then share their efforts.

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1 user thanked Silesa for this useful post.
Sandra_SD_SoF on 9/29/2020(UTC)
#54 Posted : Monday, September 28, 2020 1:44:36 PM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 10/9/2009(UTC)
Posts: 2,356
Silesa;1654386 wrote:

Not interested or looking to be a part of macho peeing contests
over finding solutions/answers on this. Condescending only adds
to the obstacles. i believe everyone is given different talents
and gifts/different view of things. No better or worse and working
together is the best way to get past obstacles.

Part of my assessment of this script is based on DJ streams also
cuts off when the RLC window is clicked out of. Which there is a user setting
that affects that.

i could be wrong and don't care about that.i do care about the best way past the
obsticles and onto solutions. IMO that takes people working together
not against each other.

With that said (the video) i tried the script many different ways with/without
trigger box and different values in volume, different property, check and unchecked
options etc....

i was not able to duplicate the sound fading as i did by going down halls into other rooms on the other property. i know it did it, just not sure if that was not what it seemed to be and was actually doing the proximity part of the script correctly.

Not saying i am at a total Brick wall but hoping others will try their talents, patience, view of this to understand it better and determine if the script is functioning as it should be and what setting got it to work that way.

In other words i give on it for a while not ashamed not found the solution yet. Why i hope others will give it a try or try again then share their efforts.


Try lowering the volume on the script.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

VC Designs (Viegoth Customs)

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#55 Posted : Monday, September 28, 2020 2:10:45 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 6/22/2011(UTC)
Posts: 15,204
Viegoth;1654402 wrote:
Silesa;1654386 wrote:

Not interested or looking to be a part of macho peeing contests
over finding solutions/answers on this. Condescending only adds
to the obstacles. i believe everyone is given different talents
and gifts/different view of things. No better or worse and working
together is the best way to get past obstacles.

Part of my assessment of this script is based on DJ streams also
cuts off when the RLC window is clicked out of. Which there is a user setting
that affects that.

i could be wrong and don't care about that.i do care about the best way past the
obsticles and onto solutions. IMO that takes people working together
not against each other.

With that said (the video) i tried the script many different ways with/without
trigger box and different values in volume,
different property, check and unchecked
options etc....

i was not able to duplicate the sound fading as i did by going down halls into other rooms on the other property. i know it did it, just not sure if that was not what it seemed to be and was actually doing the proximity part of the script correctly.

Not saying i am at a total Brick wall but hoping others will try their talents, patience, view of this to understand it better and determine if the script is functioning as it should be and what setting got it to work that way.

In other words i give on it for a while not ashamed not found the solution yet. Why i hope others will give it a try or try again then share their efforts.


Try lowering the volume on the script.

i did 1, 8, 15, and 50, sincere TY Vie but have you found something else,
got it to work properly and i am missing something else in the settings?

Just politely assuming most likely you did not bother reading my post.

Quick checklist on what to be checked and if in conjunction with a trigger box is possible?

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1 user thanked Silesa for this useful post.
Sandra_SD_SoF on 9/29/2020(UTC)
#56 Posted : Monday, September 28, 2020 11:39:42 PM(UTC)

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im having this issue now where when i load prop editor sometimes i cant walk backwords its like my character is froze and my S key aint broken and the game aint froze but i cant move
#57 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2020 7:36:21 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 15,204
Stonedwookie;1654457 wrote:
im having this issue now where when i load prop editor sometimes i cant walk backwords its like my character is froze and my S key aint broken and the game aint froze but i cant move

i can't say for sure but IMO likely it has something to do with your computer or somehow
the install of the RLC client software is corupted.

If it was me with that problem i would uninstall RLC clean up my computer (uninstall junky and unused programs) run a good cleaner, registry fixer then reload the client software.

Ccleaner free version does well but be careful you could do things to make it worse and end up having to reload Windows.

Smile i average about 2 windows reloads a year BUT at least now i have an SSD solid state drive for software and windows and another big regular hard drive for storing my work files.

pGood luck Stonedwookie either put in a support ticket wait and see if it is a common problem they have a fix for, or try eliminating it could be something messed up on your computer is the problem.

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Sandra_SD_SoF on 10/4/2020(UTC)
#58 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2020 4:58:19 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 173
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Today in Zaby Bible i found this to put in state:


Except for freezing the bot that command doesn´t seem to do anything....
I asked someone from staff , she thinks Zaby Bible will get additions s well, has anyone found new commands/ positions?

Greetings Lost
2 users thanked Never_Lost for this useful post.
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#59 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2020 9:21:57 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 11/18/2011(UTC)
Posts: 4
Hi all! Maybe I am missing the answer somewhere but haven't seen it... I've seen the question asked though and was wondering the same thing...

How do you get spotlights to rotate only the light beam and not the whole thing through the floor?
(Hope that makes sense Smile
2 users thanked DJ_Lixx_Sixx for this useful post.
Never_Lost on 9/30/2020(UTC), Sandra_SD_SoF on 10/4/2020(UTC)
#60 Posted : Sunday, October 04, 2020 12:48:00 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 2,356
So here's something I just discovered:

Play Music script... you can now create a playlist of multiple streams, by adding multiple props to your property, each with a different stream.

But there is a catch. You can only play one at a time. So the trick is to NOT set them to "Activate on Load" (or set one to activate as a starter), but to set them all as "Clickable Trigger" under the State tab. This way people can pick and choose the stream they want to listen to by clicking on any one of them (after first stopping whichever is currently playing).

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

VC Designs (Viegoth Customs)

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