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Advent Calendar 2023
#1 Posted : Sunday, November 12, 2023 11:18:25 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
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Hello everyone, good morning,

I have already said it elsewhere, I have had a wonderful, very contemplative and peaceful weekend. Besides all that, it was also very enjoyable for me, because I was able to do what I like to do in RLC and what I love RLC for: designing various items.

And now I come to the most pleasing point of all, this year I can finally design another advent calendar for you ... no, not open it already, but announce it already.

At last I can hopefully put a little smile on the face of one or two of you. I had to give up this habit for three years due to a terrible pandemic that is now behind us all. For my husband and I, it meant nothing more than an insane amount of overtime. But that's all water under the bridge now.

You'll have to be patient for another 17 days, though, because I won't be posting any more here before the first of December, or at least not giving out any modest little gifts.

But there is one thing I would like to say first. Dear Sweetpea, Anhton and Jonash Novo, thank you once again for carrying me along in your team during the three years of absence and for continuing my tradition many with many improvements.

You have turned my little advent calendar into a really big thing, in which many hands, this year finally also mine again along with you, have put a lot of work, invested a lot of free time, for one single reason:

To bring a little joy to all members of this community.

Thank you to everyone involved!!!

And now I wish you all a good new week, stay healthy,


He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
11 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
Anhton_Novo on 11/13/2023(UTC), BB_Licious on 11/13/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/13/2023(UTC), Dernhelm_01 on 11/13/2023(UTC), Sweetpea on 11/13/2023(UTC), elmerfudddaffy on 11/23/2023(UTC), MAJI_DHS on 11/24/2023(UTC), ByPerseus_Design on 11/27/2023(UTC), Frigga_Rosier on 11/27/2023(UTC), MrUnicorn on 11/29/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#2 Posted : Monday, November 13, 2023 9:29:27 AM(UTC)

Rank: Seasoned Forum Member

Joined: 8/12/2012(UTC)
Posts: 746
Location: I hang with RLC friends whenever I can.
I'm looking forward to your Advent Calendar. I'm sure it will be lots of fun! So count me in on day 1!


1 user thanked Anhton_Novo for this useful post.
divingA_WnC on 11/13/2023(UTC)
#3 Posted : Monday, November 13, 2023 10:20:32 AM(UTC)

Rank: Novice Forum Member

Joined: 2/1/2011(UTC)
Posts: 45
thank you Diving hun I can't wait till is all here
thank you so much also for your hard work as always

huggssssssssss Missy
1 user thanked missyfungirl for this useful post.
divingA_WnC on 11/13/2023(UTC)
#4 Posted : Monday, November 13, 2023 1:12:31 PM(UTC)

Rank: Novice Forum Member

Joined: 8/23/2009(UTC)
Posts: 42
Location: DE
*yeeaahhh thats great, Diving's Advents Calendar is back ThumpUp
I had always fun with them, always great ideas and great work making the textures.Applause
just few days to wait then it will start, hard to wait that time Boo hoo!

have a great time
kisses Sweet_Simona_7
1 user thanked Sweet_Simona_7 for this useful post.
divingA_WnC on 11/13/2023(UTC)
#5 Posted : Tuesday, November 14, 2023 1:14:53 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
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Hello everyone, good morning,

hello Anhton, hello Missy, hello Sweet_Simona,

First of all, I would like to thank you for your answers, in detail for each and every one of them.

Anhton_Novo;1701564 wrote:
I'm looking forward to your Advent Calendar. I'm sure it will be lots of fun! So count me in on day 1!



*sigh* Dear Anhton, I have the biggest problem with you, the problem that you or Sweetpea or Jonash could resent me for opening this Advent calendar despite your really huge efforts and work with Holiday Traditions. Therefore, my answer to you is also directed to the other two teammates of the HT team.

I have neither the desire nor the aim to outdo Holiday Traditions. That would also be a completely nonsensical undertaking. Because I can't compete with what you have offered/will offer there again this year with my few little things here.

I am delighted and have had a lot of fun this year with a small "traditionally German" Christmas market, a minimalist offshoot of the well-known Nuremberg Christkindl market, finally being able to play an active part in the HT team again. At last I'm actively involved again and not just a friendly, tolerated team member who has to be dragged along.

missyfungirl;1701566 wrote:
thank you Diving hun I can't wait till is all here
thank you so much also for your hard work as always

huggssssssssss Missy

Dear missy,

hard work? I don't know anything about that. At least not when it comes to the few little gimmicks I've offered you in previous years and this year in the Christmas calendar.RLC is and remains a nice break from everyday life for me, a hobby that gives me the opportunity to live out my creativity. More about my motivation later below, when I want to explain my motivation to everyone.

Sweet_Simona_7;1701573 wrote:
*yeeaahhh thats great, Diving's Advents Calendar is back ThumpUp
I had always fun with them, always great ideas and great work making the textures.Applause
just few days to wait then it will start, hard to wait that time Boo hoo!

have a great time
kisses Sweet_Simona_7

Dear Simona,

Now you're making me a little embarrassed. Please don't expect too much. What I have offered here in my calendar in recent years and will offer again this year is nothing more than a few little gimmicks, not worth mentioning. I'm a bit like the woodcarvers I was allowed to watch at a woodcarving competition a few years ago. One of them, a woman, walked around a log lying in front of her, it was a mighty log, about 2 meters long. She looked at it intensely, almost meditating, from all sides and from all angles, kneeling, standing, even lying on her stomach. Then she finally grabbed one of her various chainsaws and began to work on the trunk.

When asked why she had looked at the trunk for so long beforehand, she said succinctly: "I only looked at the trunk to find out what is in it that I now had to get out with my saws and axes and chisels." That's how I feel about the many photos I take or things I see outside in real life and then photograph.

Hello to everyone else,

who may also be wondering why I do all this.

There are two reasons why I do it. The first is the many small experiences of success that I have with my design work here. Look at it from my point of view. As you know, I'm a nurse and have been deputy head nurse for a little over a year now, in other words the deputy to the nurse in charge of the ward.

I've been in this position since October last year, but no longer on the intensive care unit, where I've always had the occasional sense of achievement when my colleagues and I have managed to bring someone from the afterlife back to this world or we've successfully cured someone so that the patient could then experience the final healing on a normal medical ward.

I have been on the closed ward for mentally ill addicts since October. And here we are at the point where RLC is a compensation for my life. Here I can still have a sense of achievement when something goes well, but not at work. My patients are detoxified and treated more or less successfully, but their problems usually remain. As a result, when they are discharged, we see them again after periods of three to six months. 90% of my patients are too deeply trapped in their addiction.

And after so many serious words, it's time to play a little fun game. Open the link in a new browser tab I'm posting here now:

Behind it is an RLC screenshot. It shows a small section of my "UV: The Winter Workshop", which is also my Christmas workshop for you. Everything you see standing, hanging and lying in the corner is for the Advent calendar. Stop! Everything outside the red base of the Christmas tree, i.e. only on or above the dark red carpet with the grid pattern.

And now I ask you: How many items are there? Take a close look. Only what is IN!!! the room counts, the Christmas tree with decorations and presents underneath does NOT count!

Whoever posts an exact answer here will win a voucher for clothes designed by me worth 50 rays.

Have fun, have a good time everyone, stay healthy,


He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
1 user thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC)
#6 Posted : Tuesday, November 14, 2023 11:33:42 AM(UTC)

Rank: Seasoned Forum Member

Joined: 8/12/2012(UTC)
Posts: 746
Location: I hang with RLC friends whenever I can.
divingA_WnC;1701577 wrote:

*sigh* Dear Anhton, I have the biggest problem with you, the problem that you or Sweetpea or Jonash could resent me for opening this Advent calendar despite your really huge efforts and work with Holiday Traditions. Therefore, my answer to you is also directed to the other two teammates of the HT team.

I have neither the desire nor the aim to outdo Holiday Traditions. That would also be a completely nonsensical undertaking. Because I can't compete with what you have offered/will offer there again this year with my few little things here.

I am delighted and have had a lot of fun this year with a small "traditionally German" Christmas market, a minimalist offshoot of the well-known Nuremberg Christkindl market, finally being able to play an active part in the HT team again. At last I'm actively involved again and not just a friendly, tolerated team member who has to be dragged along.

Hi Diving!

I don't think that Sweetpea, Jonash and myself have any resentment at all! I don't think of this as any type of rivalry. I think it's great that you are offering the Advent Calendar again. There's plenty of room in RLC for more than one Advent Calendar. I'm truly looking forward to what you will offer us this year.


1 user thanked Anhton_Novo for this useful post.
divingA_WnC on 11/14/2023(UTC)
#7 Posted : Tuesday, November 14, 2023 12:16:17 PM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/26/2010(UTC)
Posts: 2,875
Anhton_Novo;1701582 wrote:
divingA_WnC;1701577 wrote:

*sigh* Dear Anhton, I have the biggest problem with you, the problem that you or Sweetpea or Jonash could resent me for opening this Advent calendar despite your really huge efforts and work with Holiday Traditions. Therefore, my answer to you is also directed to the other two teammates of the HT team.

I have neither the desire nor the aim to outdo Holiday Traditions. That would also be a completely nonsensical undertaking. Because I can't compete with what you have offered/will offer there again this year with my few little things here.

I am delighted and have had a lot of fun this year with a small "traditionally German" Christmas market, a minimalist offshoot of the well-known Nuremberg Christkindl market, finally being able to play an active part in the HT team again. At last I'm actively involved again and not just a friendly, tolerated team member who has to be dragged along.

Hi Diving!

I don't think that Sweetpea, Jonash and myself have any resentment at all! I don't think of this as any type of rivalry. I think it's great that you are offering the Advent Calendar again. There's plenty of room in RLC for more than one Advent Calendar. I'm truly looking forward to what you will offer us this year.



Hi diving,

I love the fact that you are reopening your forum advent calendar.

Sometimes with all the arguing that happens in the forum your advent calendar was something positive to look forward to every day.

I've been to the Christkindl market in Nuremberg and what you built at the Holiday Tradition's venue took me back to when I was a teen and lived in Germany and got to go there. It is an amazing place, and walking through Holiday Traditions that is an incredible addition.

There is absolutely no resentment felt towards you opening up your forum advent calendar. If you think about it, between the Winter Wonderbag (Swag bag) that RLC hosts, Holiday Traditions, and the forum Advent Calendar, the members of RLC will have an abundance of gifts this holiday season.

Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Discuss Events, Simple Minds Discuss People...Eleanor Roosevelt
It's true, It's true, It's all about me!
2 users thanked Sweetpea for this useful post.
divingA_WnC on 11/14/2023(UTC), Anhton_Novo on 11/14/2023(UTC)
#8 Posted : Tuesday, November 14, 2023 2:30:20 PM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello everyone, hello Anhton and Sweetpea,

@ Anhton and Sweetpea, your feedback has been a relief for me. I was really worried that you might take offense at my action here with the advent calendar.

And yes, Anhton, you're right when you say that there's enough space in RLC. Sweetpea, I can understand your thoughts even better. The verbalized complaining and whining in many corners and ends of the forum is sometimes really hard to bear and sometimes takes away my desire to read longer in the forum. If only all the complainers would finally get together to do better and build a better platform.

But enough of that, my advent calendar is open to everyone with positive news, or even funny news, like this experience I had today.

A very distant friend, I'm sure we all have plenty of them, was obviously on the forum and had read about my prize draw. Now he thought he was clever and transported himself to my region, because I was in the layout in question at the time. However, he transported himself to another dimension.

I hadn't even noticed that he came in while I was working on other gifts. However, it was a stupid coincidence that I made a misclick while testing another item and accidentally clicked on the "Dimensions" button. "Oops?!?!? Huh??? Who's in the "Standard English" dim???" Confused

I looked and it was the friend in question, who was counting the items calmly but with great concentration. Shocked Too bad for him. I threw him out without further ado. Rolleyes And now my gift corner looks like this:

A collidable set half cylinder, super jump tested and passed, flyover also impossible, with an accurate statement. Tongue

I had to laugh heartily about this incident. Grin And that friend? He came back after his trip from Virtual Vancouver and apologized to me. I really would have liked to have seen his real face when he suddenly found himself in the VV subway station in the middle of counting. LOL

Stay healthy everyone, let's all just keep having fun here, because you can do that very well,


He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
2 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
Sweetpea on 11/14/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC)
#9 Posted : Thursday, November 23, 2023 8:27:54 AM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello and good afternoon everyone,

The Advent season begins in a few days, in seven days to be precise. I now have two days off again, this morning at 06:28 CET I finished the last night shift of a shift block of six. That means I have a little time to get you in the Christmas spirit and prepare you for the Advent calendar.

In other words, I'm already starting to open the first present for you today. After taking stock of all the items I have made, I was horrified Shocked to realize that I have once again made far too many. Rolleyes

But first I would like to take the opportunity to point out the previous years' calendars to anyone who is not yet familiar with my Advent calendars. All the gifts contained in them are still available, apart from clothing, of course.

Since you may be new and joined RLC after 2020, you may be wondering why there was no Advent calendar in the following years. That's quickly explained. In spring 2020, the pandemic also broke out here in Germany. As a nurse, I had no more time from that point on. In those three years, there was only time to pile up insane amounts of overtime. I think you understand that, after all, real life should always take priority.

So in a few hours' time, I'll be starting here, but until then I'd like to let you know one more thing. As you know, this year's Halloween Swag Bag featured the very inspiring Zen Garden. Many of my gifts this year are dedicated to it. Okay, many things can of course also be used elsewhere, but first and foremost many things are Japanese-inspired because I was inspired by the Zen Garden.

Have fun everyone, the first universally usable sweets for a "Bunter Teller" (translated into english this reads: colorful plate) in your Christmas layouts will be available in a few hours and the next few days. You can then put together a colorful plate to suit your taste. And if you don't know what the term

means, click here for a clear explanation and let your browser translate it from German into your native language.

All the best, divingA

He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
3 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
Sweetpea on 11/23/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC), Dernhelm on 11/28/2023(UTC)
#10 Posted : Thursday, November 23, 2023 2:19:50 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello lovelies,

let's start very slowly to get into the Christmas spirit and anticipation. Despite all the variety and quantity I have for you, I'll give you as much time as I give myself and start slowly.

As we are still in the pre-Christmas period, there is only a little. By December 1st, when the Advent calendar really starts, you will have a complete set consisting of a festively laid table with all kinds of things, including the "colorful plate" mentioned above, which you can place on it according to your taste. Of course, I also included matching chairs.

Today you can choose either the "table and chairs set" with dark wood, wood with a light mahogany touch and light-colored table linen or chair covers, or you can take the table made of light-colored fine beech wood with red table linen and covers embroidered with golden stars.

Choose what suits your Christmas "home" better, and if you feel like it, then take both.

For now, here are the two tables. Both files are optimized JPG files, so there's not much to worry about during installation, you all know the procedure well enough. However, it is quickly explained for newcomers:

Download the files and then upload them to the picture host you trust, or use the hotlinks given below the pictures as "Image URL", Both files have been developed for the prop "table with square tablecloth".

And with that I say good bye for today, stay healthy, have a good time, divingA

He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
6 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
Sweetpea on 11/23/2023(UTC), MAJI_DHS on 11/24/2023(UTC), elmerfudddaffy on 11/24/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC), Dernhelm on 11/28/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#11 Posted : Friday, November 24, 2023 7:40:52 AM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello everyone,

I have to get ready for work in less than three hours, I'll be leaving the house around 7pm my time. But before that I want to treat myself to a little sleep, so I'll keep it short here today.

Here are the matching chairs for the tables I gave you yesterday. Made from the same wood, one beech, one mahogany, with covers to match the table linen. But watch out!!! You can only see one texture. Nevertheless, this texture can be used on two different chair props. Once on the "Dark Wood Dining Chair" prop or, alternatively, on the "Chocolate Wood Dining Chair" prop. Which chair you use or whether you use both props and combine them, for example 4 x Chocolate Wood and 2 x Dark Wood Dining Chair to create a table for 6 people, is up to you, your taste and the space available.

As always, both prop maps are optimized to 512 pixels per side, both are JPG files, download them or use the hotlinks below the maps.

Have a good time, come healthy into a hopefully nice weekend for all of us,


He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
6 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
elmerfudddaffy on 11/24/2023(UTC), MAJI_DHS on 11/25/2023(UTC), Sweetpea on 11/26/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC), Dernhelm on 11/28/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#12 Posted : Saturday, November 25, 2023 12:39:23 AM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello everyone,

and once again we are one day closer to the Advent season, which means I have the pleasure of further refining your group, so far consisting of table with tablecloth and chairs.

It should or could look something like this in your home:

Now let's make the table a little more festive and decorate it with a beautiful bow. All you need is the prop "Blue Present" that you first create and then give it the size of 3.00 in the scale tab in each axis.

Then apply one of the prop maps below according to your personal taste using the "Cached Web Image" script. But be careful, these files are optimized PNG files, which means you have to check "Texture Translucent" in the state tab and enter a value of around 50 in the box at the back.

Here are the prop maps, as always ready for download, or simply use the link below as image URL.

So much for today's calendar, we'll continue tomorrow, have a magical weekend,


He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
5 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
MAJI_DHS on 11/25/2023(UTC), Sweetpea on 11/26/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC), Dernhelm on 11/28/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#13 Posted : Sunday, November 26, 2023 12:59:42 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello everyone,

according to RLC time, a new day starts in a few minutes, so I can give you today's gift for 11/26 before I go to bed.

Your table, your dining table group now looks like this after yesterday:

What's missing now, what's more or less mandatory to come next? Right, flower arrangements. And what flower could be more Christmassy than the classic flower in all good parlors around the world at Christmas time? Right again, the poinsettia.

Here I have three for you to choose from, take the one you want or two of them or even all three. All three are made for the "Alpha Pine Tree" prop, all in the same gold-colored flower pot with stars on it.

As always: Attention, these are optimized PNG files, which means that you have to check "Texture Translucent" in the State tab again and enter a very specific value in the box behind it for the best performance this time, either 88 or 111, depending on your environment.

Finally, a little tip. If you want your poinsettia to look really opulent, then make the first one the way you think is right and good for you, then clone the prop, rotate it 180° and place it exactly on the first prop.

Have fun, good luck, stay healthy and have a nice Sunday


who is now going to bed after a really bad night shift

He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
6 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
MAJI_DHS on 11/26/2023(UTC), elmerfudddaffy on 11/26/2023(UTC), Sweetpea on 11/26/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC), Dernhelm on 11/28/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#14 Posted : Monday, November 27, 2023 6:02:28 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello everyone,

here we go, the next day started some hours ago, but I'm sure you'll excuse me, I needed some sleep after the last night shift of a long series.

Today I'd like to introduce you to a, well, let's say custom or, if you like, usage regarding the serving of mulled wine. I can't tell you how widespread the custom of serving mulled wine in small boot-shaped cups is, I can't even say for Germany.

The fact is, at Christmas markets in Berlin, mulled wine is served at the mulled wine stands in small ceramic or earthenware boot cups. Here is a photo of a small part of our collection of boots so you know how to imagine them.

I couldn't resist producing something similar for RLC. Here is a small collection of six boot cups that you can now place in pairs on your tables.

Let's start with the cups, for which you need the prop "HF_shoes20", which you have to create first. Then scale it down to X = 0.40 x Y = 0.30 x Z = 0.40 and give the boots the value 353.70° in the Rotation tab, there in the X box. Now you only need to bring them down to the table in height, i.e. the Y axis in the Position tab. Here are the prop maps for six differently patterned boot cups, as always optimized to 512 x 512 pixel JPG files. Use the preview images for your download or the links below as image URL.

Now these cups also need small handles. For this you need the prop "Teapot". First scale it down to 0.30 per axis and then rotate it in the Z axis to the value 336° and to match the rotation of your boots in the Y axis. Attention! The following propmaps for the handles are also files optimized to 512 x 512 pixels, but they are PNG files, which means: you have to check Texture Translucent in the State tab again and enter the value of around 50 in the box behind it. Here come the maps, use them like the others above, the preview images for the download or the links below directly as image URLs.

The order of the images for the handles of the cups corresponds to the order of the prop maps for the cups themselves, so the top prop map is the matching handle for the top cup and the bottom prop map is the matching handle for the bottom cup.

And now an urgent warning to all those who may not be 100% precise about authorship for the sake of a deal. Please don't be under any illusions, please don't think: "This stupid cow, she's posting prop maps here that I can use as Christmas boots in Uthercloset!"

Of course, all these files had already been developed by me as PNG files and then uploaded as boots in Uthercloset. These boots are not yet on sale there, but you can get them from the moment the Winterwonder swag bag is opened.

And now have fun, have a good start to a new week, stay healthy,


He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
4 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC), Dernhelm on 11/28/2023(UTC), MAJI_DHS on 11/29/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#15 Posted : Tuesday, November 28, 2023 2:30:46 AM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello everyone,

Here we go again, a new day is already more than an hour old. After you got mugs for mulled wine yesterday, today we're going to have matching plates, because after all, they're the most important thing we need alongside lots of sweets and fruit to create a classic "colorful plate".

But I'll tell it like it is, or rather was, there are more than just six plates to match the cups, simply because it was fun. I was in a really good mood yesterday, enjoying listening to J.S. Bach's Christmas Oratorio while sitting inside in the warm living room on a cold and unfriendly winter's day blessed with a bit of snow, drinking mulled wine and designing more plates.

All you need today for the plates is the prop "Giant Plate". In my opinion, the most sensible dimensions in the "scale" tab that I can recommend are 0.07 x 0.04 x 0.07. But ultimately it's up to you. Here are the six plates matching the cups above, they come in the same order as the cups they match.

I don't have to tell you that all the files are optimized JPG files again, do I?

Have fun, have a good time, stay healthy, see you tomorrow,


He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
4 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
missyfungirl on 11/28/2023(UTC), Dernhelm on 11/28/2023(UTC), MAJI_DHS on 11/29/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#16 Posted : Wednesday, November 29, 2023 1:10:03 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Hello everyone,

November is coming to an end, in many parts of the world it is the month in which we think of those who have already passed away, the month of mourning. Can I encourage you all to say a little prayer in memory of those who have sadly passed on? To use a thought of those who have left us much? I would like to do so today at any rate, I would like to remember our dear DurtyJay at this point.

Dear Durty, we had the privilege of having you among us and still have the privilege of enjoying the fruits of your labor here and there in many corners of RLC. Thank you for that, thank you for being there for us and still enriching our RLC life today.

And now, after these serious words, you shall have today's gift. Let's start filling your "bunten Teller" with sweets. The centerpiece of such a "colorful plate" is usually a colorful mixture of chocolates, marzipan potatoes, chocolate-coated nuts, small chocolate bars, small chocolate Santa Clauses and more, all wrapped sometimes more, sometimes less Christmassy.

The prop that you need for this mixture in a reasonable three-dimensional shape is the prop "Primitive Halfsphere 02", which you have to adapt to the size of the plate you are using, for me this is 0.25 in the X and Z axes, as well as in height, for me it is 0.06 in the Y axis.

I have created two such blends for you, but be careful, both files are PNG files, so you have to check the "Texture Translucent" state tab and enter a value in the box behind it, I worked with the value 10. Here are the two optimized files:

Have a good day everyone, stay healthy, we'll see you again tomorrow for something healthy,


He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
3 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
MAJI_DHS on 11/29/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/30/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#17 Posted : Wednesday, November 29, 2023 6:12:07 AM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
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Hello everyone,

In my last post, which is only a few hours old, i.e. from today, I announced that I would be giving you a few healthy things. However, as I still have a lot, almost a little too much material that I can and will give you in the Advent calendar, and I also have more time today due to the weather-related cancellation of some appointments in real life, I'm adding a little extra round to the Advent calendar today.

At the same time, I would like to use this round to encourage you to reconsider your behavior towards your children and/or grandchildren in real life.

Yes, of course, all children and adults like sweets, be it chocolate or marzipan, Christmas cookies and everything else that can be found on a colorful plate. However, we shouldn't forget to add some fruit to a good Christmas plate. Especially in winter, when we can easily catch a cold, an orange or two and this or that tangerine can't do any harm, as they contain vitamin C, which can protect us and our loved ones from the onslaught of a cold.

But other fruit is also perfectly appropriate at Christmas time, such as apples, bananas, fresh figs or dates. Unfortunately, the latter two are usually only available in dried or dehydrated form and are rarely available as fresh fruit.

However, I now have a few files for you that can be used for various props. So let me start with the prop: "Tropical Fruit In Bamboo Plate".

Here come the bananas, which are very suitable as small mini bananas to enrich a colorful plate if the prop has been scaled to the size of 0.60 per axis beforehand.


Attention, this is a PNG file, do not forget to check Texture Translucent

and enter the value of least 10 in the box behind.

The same applies to the prop's mixture of apricots, peaches and plums. This should also be scaled to 0.60 per axis, so that it can also enrich the colorful plate.


Attention, this is a PNG file, do not forget to check Texture Translucent

and enter the value of least 10 in the box behind.

Next, I'll bring out some fruit that I already developed for the Advent calendar in 2016 and am simply refreshing here. First of all, there is a navel orange, made for the "Primitive Sphere" prop, which can be brought to a more or less realistic size with the dimensions 0.12 per axis.

We continue with tangerines, this texture was .... Watch out !!! ... developed for the prop "Pumpkin 02". Scale the prop down to 0.15 x 0.20 x 015 in the X, Y and Z axes, apply the texture and you get tangerines.

But the "Pumpkin 01" prop also works well, especially if you want to use it to represent apples. Here are two maps for this prop, representing a green and a red apple. A sensible size for Pumpkin 01 would be around 0.20 per axis.

That should be enough for today, you now have plenty to do depending on your taste. Have fun, stay healthy, stay away from colds, sniffles, coughs and hoarseness,

your divingA

He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
3 users thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
Dernhelm on 11/29/2023(UTC), missyfungirl on 11/29/2023(UTC), AutumnRoseRed on 12/9/2023(UTC)
#18 Posted : Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:53:32 PM(UTC)

Rank: Novice Forum Member

Joined: 3/11/2020(UTC)
Posts: 2
Wooot Divi... Merry Christmas Smile
1 user thanked Darrogant for this useful post.
divingA_WnC on 11/29/2023(UTC)
#19 Posted : Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:59:10 PM(UTC)

Rank: Novice Forum Member

Joined: 3/11/2020(UTC)
Posts: 2
and my answer is... 16! Smile
1 user thanked Darrogant for this useful post.
divingA_WnC on 11/29/2023(UTC)
#20 Posted : Wednesday, November 29, 2023 8:05:15 PM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 3,133
Location: Berlin/ Germany
Darrogant;1701848 wrote:
and my answer is... 16! Smile

Not bad, Darro, since you're the first one who ever guessed how many gifts are gathered in the corner of my workshop you have sort of a realistic chance to win the contest.

You just have to wait. May be some one else shoots a number too and gets closer. The winner will be announced on December the 24th.

Good Luck everyone, here's the screen shot again:

count the gifts gathered on this screen shot

Everything you see standing, hanging and lying in the corner is for the Advent calendar. Stop! Everything outside the red base of the Christmas tree, i.e. only on or above the dark red carpet with the grid pattern.

He who does not submit to the laws, must leave the area where they apply. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
1 user thanked divingA_WnC for this useful post.
missyfungirl on 11/30/2023(UTC)
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