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Important topics concerning Zabys & VWW
#1 Posted : Friday, December 04, 2009 2:37:32 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

Joined: 2/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 4,652
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In order to clean up the stickies a bit and still maintain the vital information up here for ease of access, a few of the most important topics will be quoted and linked here. This thread will be locked, however the threads linked within will remain open so post freely in the particular thread of interest.

Pay close attention to the dates the original threads were posted, not the dates they were referenced and reposted in this thread. Some of the threads referenced may be from a much earlier time than posted here, so check the original post for the correct timelines.
3 users thanked SweetGuy for this useful post.
Cristina_SGRU on 9/15/2013(UTC), Pluush_Puussy on 7/7/2014(UTC), Pytch on 10/22/2023(UTC)
#2 Posted : Friday, December 04, 2009 2:40:25 AM(UTC)

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Issues With Your Zaby

CobraCommander wrote:
Here are a couple of things that you need to remember when creating your Zaby

- Each item you place in your zaby takes time to load when someone enters. If you take to long to load a region, the server will disconnect you.

- Some scripts you can attach to items in your zaby load pictures or other resources from the web. Cached Web Load Image is an example of these. If any of them load slowly it is because the webserver they come from is slow, they will delay the rest from loading. This won't stop you from getting in the door, but your zaby may not look right for a long time. Especially for people with slow internet connections

- Compress and resize your web loaded resources! most of the time, a web loaded image should be 512x512 or less, and should be either JPG or PNG compressed. Raw images from your 7 Megapixel camera, although in JPG format, may be several megabytes in size. As a rule of thumb, if they're bigger than 500k, they're WAY TOO BIG! A visitor to your zaby must download all of these images to display your room properly. They add up quick if they're 5 MB each!

We are working hard on optimizing our game engine to provide you with best experience possible. But not all users have the same hardware, what works fine for you might cause problems for other users.

#3 Posted : Friday, December 04, 2009 2:42:49 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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Exploitation Of Maps

Derek wrote:
We regret to inform you, that all new VWW regions will now have blocking volumes, or ‘boundaries’, to stop users from spawning outside of their purchased space.

Some have exploited these maps by placing “Moving to Location” outside of the space paid for. This can cause problems with props, scaling, and collision.

These maps are built using BSP’s (Binary Space Partitioning) and all the editing is supposed to be done within that BSP space. So when problems occur with businesses and users regarding the “outside space” of their purchased property, there is really nothing we can do, other than block off the entire map to stop these problems from occurring, as it is not officially governed or supported space.

We realize that many of you have put hard work into your regions. Many of us here have done the same. However, placing in boundaries is something that absolutely needed to be done. Exploiting the maps in this way disrupts business as well as causes technical issues.

If you have edited your start point outside this “blocking volume/boundary”, you will need to port to this region, open the start point manager from there, and delete the modified start point, restoring it to default, and therefore allowing you to set a new start point within your new boundary.

For you Zaby owners who have built outside the boundary, don’t worry, any current Zaby owners will be ‘grandfathered’ and will not have their work removed if it falls outside the boundary. However, any new Zaby purchases from this point on will be subject to the boundaries.

This is unfortunately the only course we can take, as the sole, alternate solution to these exploitations would be to get rid of the “Move to Location” script, and we know that is not a very workable option.

Thanks everyone.

#4 Posted : Friday, December 04, 2009 2:45:19 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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Using Textures From Your Resource Folder

Anna wrote:
Although there have been some conflicting information regarding this, please take note this is the official stance on the utilization of textures in the Resource folder.

Using textures from this folder to decorate your Zaby is NOT permitted at this time. Many of the textures there are for exclusive use only and can not be used in your Zaby.

That being said, any props that are currently available in the Zaby prop editor are permitted. Textures that you create yourself or have permission to use OUTSIDE of the resource folder is also permitted. Once again, using textures located in the resource folder for your Zaby is NOT permitted.

As of this moment all departments in Utherverse have been updated with this information.

If you have any further questions regarding this please do not hesitate to contact worlddev@utherverse.com.

#5 Posted : Sunday, November 28, 2010 11:21:45 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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Zaby Doors

Nicole_K wrote:
Due to the changes in the market, we have re-evaluated the situation with the Zaby door auctions and have established a new structure and new procedures.

We will now be licensing the Zaby doors on the second and third floor over a 6 month term. Each door is set at a certain price, which will eliminate the bidding process, which effectively will also eliminate any deadlines for purchasing.

Another large change is that we will not only be licensing these for Zaby access, but for VWW access as well. The second floor is reserved for only Zaby property access, while the third (top) floor is reserved for VWW property access.

There are no specific requirements to obtain a door other than being in good standing with Utherverse with no past issues in any department. These doors will be under license, so a License Agreement will be needed for all applicants. License agreements will be sent out upon approval of application, and applicant will have 5 days to sign and return the Agreement and submit payment or the door will be released. All doors will come only with the uniform plaques with the desired name, any changes to these plaques will be at an additional charge. The doors can only be directed to the region that you originally specify.

Application requests are to be sent to business@utherverse.com with the subject "Zaby Door Application". Doors will be available for release as of June 1, 2010 however we will be taking application requests starting today, and there are only a limited number of doors. Prices will be posted within the UtherverseBizOps profile blog and will be provided with the application.

Please feel free to direct any questions to business@utherverse.com

~Nicole K
#6 Posted : Sunday, November 28, 2010 11:26:32 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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Stats & Keywords Now Available

Pocket_Nic wrote:
In an effort to make the VWW process easy and useful for everyone we have made a lot of changes to the setup process in the last few weeks.

The biggest changes you will notice are we now have stats available (with charts) that will tell you how many people are visiting your world as well as how many people have signed up under your world. You can also see this information for each individual property. If you are an Universal VIP you will be able to see more in depth stats, such as: age and gender of your users plus the length of time of their visit and the day of the week they visited. If you want to upgrade to Universal VIP you can do so here.

You also now have the ability to enter in keywords about your world as well as each individual property you own. We are currently building a search engine for all VWWs. When this is completed the keywords you input will be used to tell us what your world is about and how we should index your world as well as each individual property. You can also write a short paragraph about your world and properties that people will see when your world comes up in searches.

The other change made that is going to allow you the ultimate in customization to your VWW is World Branding. If you go to the "Manage World" tab (previously Manage Domain) and then go to the Branding tab you will see we have now added an easy tool that allows you to choose any image file on your computer and upload it for the most branding possible. If you already have your world's icon on your desktop you will need to uninstall your world and reinstall it to see your icon change.

These are the first upgrades we have made to the VWW. We hope you will find them useful. If you have any questions regarding your VWW or the process of setting one up please email support@utherverse.com.

#7 Posted : Tuesday, May 06, 2014 9:41:44 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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Showroom Zabys

Shane;997551 wrote:
Hey guys,

There is a set of Showroom Zaby's now live that was promised by Brian a few weeks back.

VIP and a UVIP members get a copy of each active Zaby template we currently have in the Property Catalog.

VIP members get a population cap of 1 and UVIP members of 2.

Each Zaby is locked to a single dimension and you can only get a single copy of each Zaby.

Please let us know here if you have any questions or comments.


#8 Posted : Tuesday, May 06, 2014 9:43:50 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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Layout Security and Protection

Shane;1036514 wrote:
Hey guys,

Wanted to come in and share our plans currently in development regarding Deco/Layout security.

The solution is going to be on a few fronts:

- We will be adding an option to strip clones from properties and layouts upon transfer. This will be available to a Deco when they transfer, so they will be able to control what goes where.

- Additionally, there will be an option to not allow clones to be made of the property after transfer, if the Decorator chooses this option. It will be a flag that's respected throughout the 'life' of that property.

These will essentially be ‘protected’ properties, transferred without clones, or the ability to clone.

Please let us know any feedback about these additional options and protections here in this thread.

Thanks a lot,
1 user thanked SweetGuy for this useful post.
MarceloHerz on 12/22/2021(UTC)
#9 Posted : Tuesday, May 06, 2014 9:49:07 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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UVIP Create Custom Bot Installation Instructions

Anna;957430 wrote:
CreateCustomBot for UVIP

Use a Trigger box as your base (parent) prop. Scale it to 0.25 (x); 0.7 (y); 0.25 (z) so that the trigger box is the approximate size of an avatar, and place the box on the floor. Click the scripts tab and add the CreateCustomBot script. Right click on the bot and you will be able to edit their size, gender and clothes in the normal way that you would dress your own avatar in the closet. (You will notice that your saved /purchased outfits are also available to dress your bot but please remember, if you are placing your bot for commercial use, to check that you have permission of the texture owner/creator to use their textures for this purpose.)

Once you have released your bot you will need to click on the parent prop (in this case the trigger box) and then right click again on the bot to get the option to edit the bot. If you try to move your bot, please note that you will not see the change until you save and release the prop.

NB if you want to place the bot in the same space as a light trigger or dance trigger, we recommend that you use a 'wall' as your parent prop, scaled to 0.25 (x); 1.0 (y); 2.0 (z), as there can sometimes be a conflict when using 2 triggers in the same space.

Please note that the Create Custom Bot does not allow you to pose or animate it
#10 Posted : Tuesday, May 06, 2014 9:54:35 AM(UTC)

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Weddings in VWWs -- Venue approvals and calendar set-up

RegineUV;759254 wrote:
Please note that we will not send a JoP to any venue without having the venue approval.
Please make sure if your venue is booked to set this up in the Events Calendar and to approve the venue after all arrangements have been made between you and the couple.

To set a Wedding up, please click the calendar Button at the top of your social center page and follow all steps, it will lead you through allSmile
Sometimes the JoPs or couples already have set the Wedding up in the calendar- in this event you still need to approve the venue, which you can do over the Events Calendar Manager.
Please note that all has to be approved again after any changes have been made, so please check your Events Manager frequently.

Customizing your event in the calendar:
Locate your event in the Calendar:
1. Right click and choose ‘Add a Background’ to add an event image.
2. Right click and choose ‘Add a Trailer’ to add an event video
a. Enter flash flv or mp4 video URL
b. Or choose a Youtube style embeds.
3. Choose ‘Edit Event’ to modify event details.
4. Choose ‘Delete’ Event to delete your event. Permanently.
Logon to http://utherverse.com/Events/Manager to manage your events

Wedding & Event Manager
Utherverse® Digital Inc.
mail to: events@utherverse.com
#11 Posted : Monday, August 04, 2014 6:34:32 AM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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Adjustment to VWW Transport Regions - Please Read

Shane;1192563 wrote:
Hey everyone,

We have finally been able to resolve a long-standing issue in VWW Transport Centers where the official Utherverse posters are covering the user-uploaded images.

The Utherverse 'VIP Upgrade' and 'Directory' posters will be moved closer to the outer walls and away from the door. Anyone who currently has a VWW will be affected by this change, as it will happen on the base level of the Transport properties.

The change will be made on July 19th, so please plan accordingly for any necessary deco adjustments.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, but we are confident this change will be a great improvement to the flexibility and functionality of the Transport Center regions.

#12 Posted : Saturday, October 21, 2023 6:47:24 PM(UTC)

Rank: Utherverse Staff Moderator

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Posts: 4,652
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This link is no longer updated, so some of the information may not be current, however, it is still a valuable source of information.

2 users thanked SweetGuy for this useful post.
divingA_WnC on 10/21/2023(UTC), MAJI_DHS on 10/22/2023(UTC)
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