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Move a bot from one room to another
#1 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2018 3:47:07 AM(UTC)

Rank: Novice Forum Member

Joined: 1/27/2018(UTC)
Posts: 3
ok thanks er the answer.
but now another doubt arises.
Why being ultravip I can not create a bot in my girlfriend's zaby ???
I can create it in my world and in everything connected to it.
but not in my girlfriend's zaby, because it's not connected to my world.
#2 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2018 3:53:32 AM(UTC)

Rank: Seasoned Forum Member

Joined: 3/15/2014(UTC)
Posts: 738
CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
Hello to all
Sorry, my english is writing to you with the google translator.
I wanted to ask how do you move a bot from a local to another room with a different URL from the local source.
Thank you for your help.

You can move it from room to room by picking it up and moving your mouse. It won't look as if it's moved until you release it.

As for moving it to another URL that is impossible, you have to make a new one, or get one made.
1 user thanked Luna_HD for this useful post.
Feng_Phoenix on 2/23/2018(UTC)
#3 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2018 3:53:41 AM(UTC)

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CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
Hello to all
Sorry, my english is writing to you with the google translator.
I wanted to ask how do you move a bot from a local to another room with a different URL from the local source.
Thank you for your help.

You cannot move a bot from one property to another.

You must create a new bot instead.

Bots are stationary to the property they are created.
“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart.” (Carl Sagan)

Quoted by:_Ga_Peach_
Best Forum Hugs Award goes to __Dusty__
2 users thanked __Dusty__ for this useful post.
Feng_Phoenix on 2/23/2018(UTC), Anhton_Novo on 2/23/2018(UTC)
#4 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2018 8:07:47 AM(UTC)

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CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
ok thanks er the answer.
but now another doubt arises.
Why being ultravip I can not create a bot in my girlfriend's zaby ???
I can create it in my world and in everything connected to it.
but not in my girlfriend's zaby, because it's not connected to my world.

If the owner of the property is only VIP, then you will only have VIP deco rights, regaurdless of the fact that you are UVIP.
Unless you have a Business License, you only have deco rights equal to the propery owners.

5 users thanked LazTopCat for this useful post.
__Dusty__ on 2/23/2018(UTC), Anhton_Novo on 2/23/2018(UTC), Cassey on 2/23/2018(UTC), Feng_Phoenix on 2/25/2018(UTC), x_xKirax_x on 2/26/2018(UTC)
#5 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2018 11:04:19 PM(UTC)

Rank: Seasoned Forum Member

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CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
ok thanks er the answer.
but now another doubt arises.
Why being ultravip I can not create a bot in my girlfriend's zaby ???
I can create it in my world and in everything connected to it.
but not in my girlfriend's zaby, because it's not connected to my world.

Sadly, you can't create a "Bot" on anyone else's property other than your own unless you are a licensed decorator in RLC, as far as I know. If I am wrong I'm sure someone will say something.
2 users thanked Cassey for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 2/24/2018(UTC), Feng_Phoenix on 2/25/2018(UTC)
#6 Posted : Saturday, February 24, 2018 12:11:17 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 449
Cassey;1521905 wrote:
CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
ok thanks er the answer.
but now another doubt arises.
Why being ultravip I can not create a bot in my girlfriend's zaby ???
I can create it in my world and in everything connected to it.
but not in my girlfriend's zaby, because it's not connected to my world.

Sadly, you can't create a "Bot" on anyone else's property other than your own unless you are a licensed decorator in RLC, as far as I know. If I am wrong I'm sure someone will say something.

From RLC
Hello, everyone!

The Licensed Decorator Program has been dissolved and we are releasing the following previously LD-exclusive scripts to Business Licensees:

Add Flash Control URL
Create NPC Sexual Couple
Create NPC Nude Bot
Create NPC Nude Sex Bot
Create Lesbian Sexual NPC Couple
Create Gay Sexual NPC Couple
Create NPC Clothed Bot
Pole Dance Script
Start V-Stroker Sex
Trigger Help Tip

So if you see anyone hanging around in trans with a UV business tag then they can install a bot for you. Most charge around 50 rays. You will still need to give them permission to decorate.

6 users thanked _Emu_ for this useful post.
Anhton_Novo on 2/24/2018(UTC), LazTopCat on 2/24/2018(UTC), __Willow__ on 2/24/2018(UTC), Cassey on 2/24/2018(UTC), Feng_Phoenix on 2/25/2018(UTC), Loving_INTENSE on 2/27/2018(UTC)
#7 Posted : Saturday, February 24, 2018 12:49:55 AM(UTC)

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LadyStar_DBN charges 25 rays, last I knew.
Damn you, Addamant, for turning me into a forum whore! *shakes fist*

_Monk_: What does BB stand for?
_Monk_: Ball busting? hehehehe

5 users thanked Treas_BBLic_DRMC for this useful post.
_Emu_ on 2/24/2018(UTC), Anhton_Novo on 2/24/2018(UTC), Cassey on 2/24/2018(UTC), Feng_Phoenix on 2/25/2018(UTC), LazTopCat on 2/25/2018(UTC)
#8 Posted : Saturday, February 24, 2018 2:37:55 PM(UTC)

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Just a note...if you do buy a bot then as a VIP you can clone the bot to either male or female and dress it how you wish.
You can clone as many times as you wish... however the bots can only stay in the property originally installed in.

Also as Luna-HD said "You can move it from room to room by picking it up and moving your mouse. It won't look as if it's moved until you release it.
I AM Indigenous

No Sock, No Clique, Individual.

Mitakuye Oyasin
6 users thanked Wilno for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 2/24/2018(UTC), __Willow__ on 2/24/2018(UTC), Luna_HD on 2/24/2018(UTC), Anhton_Novo on 2/24/2018(UTC), Cassey on 2/24/2018(UTC), Feng_Phoenix on 2/25/2018(UTC)
#9 Posted : Sunday, February 25, 2018 1:51:53 AM(UTC)

Rank: Novice Forum Member

Joined: 1/27/2018(UTC)
Posts: 3
CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
ok thanks er the answer.
but now another doubt arises.
Why being ultravip I can not create a bot in my girlfriend's zaby ???
I can create it in my world and in everything connected to it.
but not in my girlfriend's zaby, because it's not connected to my world.

I thank you all
for your answers they helped me understand a little better how it works here on rlc.
In spite of myself I will have to wait 4-6 months to get the license, because I moved from 1 month to an Italian server.
I thank everyone for your help.
1 user thanked Feng_Phoenix for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 2/25/2018(UTC)
#10 Posted : Sunday, February 25, 2018 5:00:22 AM(UTC)

Rank: Seasoned Forum Member

Joined: 2/27/2013(UTC)
Posts: 449
CHNO_Fidelio40;1522040 wrote:
CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
ok thanks er the answer.
but now another doubt arises.
Why being ultravip I can not create a bot in my girlfriend's zaby ???
I can create it in my world and in everything connected to it.
but not in my girlfriend's zaby, because it's not connected to my world.

I thank you all
for your answers they helped me understand a little better how it works here on rlc.
In spite of myself I will have to wait 4-6 months to get the license, because I moved from 1 month to an Italian server.
I thank everyone for your help.

Giusto per essere chiari. L'opzione più economica è chiedere a una persona di affari UV (UV Business)di installare un robot per te. L'acquisto della tua licenza è molto costoso
1 user thanked _Emu_ for this useful post.
Feng_Phoenix on 2/26/2018(UTC)
#11 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 1:03:25 AM(UTC)

Rank: Novice Forum Member

Joined: 1/27/2018(UTC)
Posts: 3
_Emu_;1522047 wrote:
CHNO_Fidelio40;1522040 wrote:
CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
ok thanks er the answer.
but now another doubt arises.
Why being ultravip I can not create a bot in my girlfriend's zaby ???
I can create it in my world and in everything connected to it.
but not in my girlfriend's zaby, because it's not connected to my world.

I thank you all
for your answers they helped me understand a little better how it works here on rlc.
In spite of myself I will have to wait 4-6 months to get the license, because I moved from 1 month to an Italian server.
I thank everyone for your help.

Giusto per essere chiari. L'opzione più economica è chiedere a una persona di affari UV (UV Business)di installare un robot per te. L'acquisto della tua licenza è molto costoso

Ti ringrazio della informazione, lo avevo capito che era l'opzione più economica comprare un bot.
Ma essendo un imresa con partita iva, è avendo un mondo nostro con un nostro progetto aziendale, dove porteremo utenti nostri e totalmente nuovi, per me avere la licenza e tutti i poteri sul mio mondo è essenziale. Il problema non è i costo, ma non dover aspettare 6 mesi.
Almeno per le imprese che investono denaro con mondi propri si poteva pensare di agevolarle un poco di più, in modo da mettere in condizioni le imprese di lavorare meglio. E ripeto il mio business non si base sugli utenti gia esistenti di rlc ma ne andrò aggiungere di nuovi. MA ci servirebbe piena libertà di azione investendo denaro nuovo.
Se poi mi rilasciassero copia del software in modo da poter fare girare il mio mondo sul mio server personale, con la mia connessione internet, in modo da essere del tutto indipendente, e magari una versione tradotta in Italiano, bhe allora sarebbe davvero fantastico.

English version

I thank you for the information, I realized it was the cheapest option to buy a bot.
But being a business with VAT, it is having a world of ours with our company project, where we will bring our users and totally new, for me to have the license and all the powers on my world is essential. The problem is not the cost, but not having to wait 6 months.
At least for companies that invest money with their own worlds one could think of facilitating them a little more, so as to put companies in a better position to work. And I repeat my business is not based on existing users of rlc but I will add new ones. BUT we would need full freedom of action by investing new money.
Then if I were to release a copy of the software so that I could run my world on my personal server, with my internet connection, in order to be completely independent, and maybe a translated version in Italian, well then it would be really great.
#12 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 9:44:24 PM(UTC)

Rank: Seasoned Forum Member

Joined: 2/10/2013(UTC)
Posts: 1,010
CHNO_Fidelio40;1522181 wrote:
_Emu_;1522047 wrote:
CHNO_Fidelio40;1522040 wrote:
CHNO_Fidelio40;1521751 wrote:
ok thanks er the answer.
but now another doubt arises.
Why being ultravip I can not create a bot in my girlfriend's zaby ???
I can create it in my world and in everything connected to it.
but not in my girlfriend's zaby, because it's not connected to my world.

I thank you all
for your answers they helped me understand a little better how it works here on rlc.
In spite of myself I will have to wait 4-6 months to get the license, because I moved from 1 month to an Italian server.
I thank everyone for your help.

Giusto per essere chiari. L'opzione più economica è chiedere a una persona di affari UV (UV Business)di installare un robot per te. L'acquisto della tua licenza è molto costoso

Ti ringrazio della informazione, lo avevo capito che era l'opzione più economica comprare un bot.
Ma essendo un imresa con partita iva, è avendo un mondo nostro con un nostro progetto aziendale, dove porteremo utenti nostri e totalmente nuovi, per me avere la licenza e tutti i poteri sul mio mondo è essenziale. Il problema non è i costo, ma non dover aspettare 6 mesi.
Almeno per le imprese che investono denaro con mondi propri si poteva pensare di agevolarle un poco di più, in modo da mettere in condizioni le imprese di lavorare meglio. E ripeto il mio business non si base sugli utenti gia esistenti di rlc ma ne andrò aggiungere di nuovi. MA ci servirebbe piena libertà di azione investendo denaro nuovo.
Se poi mi rilasciassero copia del software in modo da poter fare girare il mio mondo sul mio server personale, con la mia connessione internet, in modo da essere del tutto indipendente, e magari una versione tradotta in Italiano, bhe allora sarebbe davvero fantastico.

English version

I thank you for the information, I realized it was the cheapest option to buy a bot.
But being a business with VAT, it is having a world of ours with our company project, where we will bring our users and totally new, for me to have the license and all the powers on my world is essential. The problem is not the cost, but not having to wait 6 months.
At least for companies that invest money with their own worlds one could think of facilitating them a little more, so as to put companies in a better position to work. And I repeat my business is not based on existing users of rlc but I will add new ones. BUT we would need full freedom of action by investing new money.
Then if I were to release a copy of the software so that I could run my world on my personal server, with my internet connection, in order to be completely independent, and maybe a translated version in Italian, well then it would be really great.

Really good questions, but I do not think you will get the answers you need in the forum. I think you need to talk directly or email business@redlightcenter.com, but it sounds like you may have been in touch already. I'm a customer, so all I really know to help.
#13 Posted : Tuesday, February 27, 2018 1:27:04 AM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 5/2/2012(UTC)
Posts: 4,025
CHNO_Fidelio40;1522181 wrote:

Ti ringrazio della informazione, lo avevo capito che era l'opzione più economica comprare un bot.
Ma essendo un imresa con partita iva, è avendo un mondo nostro con un nostro progetto aziendale, dove porteremo utenti nostri e totalmente nuovi, per me avere la licenza e tutti i poteri sul mio mondo è essenziale. Il problema non è i costo, ma non dover aspettare 6 mesi.
Almeno per le imprese che investono denaro con mondi propri si poteva pensare di agevolarle un poco di più, in modo da mettere in condizioni le imprese di lavorare meglio. E ripeto il mio business non si base sugli utenti gia esistenti di rlc ma ne andrò aggiungere di nuovi. MA ci servirebbe piena libertà di azione investendo denaro nuovo.
Se poi mi rilasciassero copia del software in modo da poter fare girare il mio mondo sul mio server personale, con la mia connessione internet, in modo da essere del tutto indipendente, e magari una versione tradotta in Italiano, bhe allora sarebbe davvero fantastico.

English version

I thank you for the information, I realized it was the cheapest option to buy a bot.
But being a business with VAT, it is having a world of ours with our company project, where we will bring our users and totally new, for me to have the license and all the powers on my world is essential. The problem is not the cost, but not having to wait 6 months.
At least for companies that invest money with their own worlds one could think of facilitating them a little more, so as to put companies in a better position to work. And I repeat my business is not based on existing users of rlc but I will add new ones. BUT we would need full freedom of action by investing new money.
Then if I were to release a copy of the software so that I could run my world on my personal server, with my internet connection, in order to be completely independent, and maybe a translated version in Italian, well then it would be really great.

According to Corporate, Utherverse is looking to find partners in Holland, Italy and other countries to bring up versions of their software in those specific languages and demographics.

Go to the Utherverse corporate site for your venture:

“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart.” (Carl Sagan)

Quoted by:_Ga_Peach_
Best Forum Hugs Award goes to __Dusty__
3 users thanked __Dusty__ for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 2/27/2018(UTC), Cassey on 2/27/2018(UTC), Wilno on 3/2/2018(UTC)
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