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Uther 3D ~ Now LIVE ~ NEW Features
#81 Posted : Tuesday, May 17, 2016 2:53:46 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: lottapussygalore Go to Quoted Post
Keep up the good work ,, maybe I can get our 4 builds on there again ,, I tried when saki had it and well never sold nothing so after about 5 payments to deviant i stopped ,, its not her fault ,, she did great at promos .but it was when Curio was announced ..

Hopefully with the new pricing structure it will not be as bad to list. It is now only 15 rays once, instead of 15 rays a month like it used to be.

2 users thanked Tergiet for this useful post.
Todd73NJ on 5/17/2016(UTC), lottapussygalore on 5/17/2016(UTC)
#82 Posted : Tuesday, May 17, 2016 5:09:26 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Todd73NJ Go to Quoted Post

At Uther3d, our tech team... well to make it short and sweet.. is awesome!

I figured it would take a few days to get the automated messages up and running for props, but it took all of 2 hours! So now when you send someone a Prop Gift they will receive an automated message from us telling them about your generosity! Doesnt mean you still cant send one on your own, but we want to take all of the work out of it for you! Its now live. Send your friend a cool new prop and give it a try!

But what if I want to send a gift as an anonymous secret admirer? Anxious

We did add anonymous gifting to the potential features list. But it wont be something that will be done in the near future. Working on a few other big changes and features at the moment. But it has been noted Smile
2 users thanked Todd73NJ for this useful post.
lottapussygalore on 5/17/2016(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/17/2016(UTC)
#83 Posted : Tuesday, May 17, 2016 6:03:58 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Todd73NJ Go to Quoted Post

We did add anonymous gifting to the potential features list. But it wont be something that will be done in the near future. Working on a few other big changes and features at the moment. But it has been noted Smile

Thankyou Cheesy

1 user thanked LazTopCat for this useful post.
Todd73NJ on 5/17/2016(UTC)
#84 Posted : Tuesday, May 17, 2016 6:20:20 PM(UTC)

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Posts: 2,166
Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Todd73NJ Go to Quoted Post

We did add anonymous gifting to the potential features list. But it wont be something that will be done in the near future. Working on a few other big changes and features at the moment. But it has been noted Smile

Thankyou Cheesy

We are going to have to find a way to stalker proof it though... we dont want someone anonymously sending someone a new dildo prop each day of the week. That could be kind of freaky.
4 users thanked Todd73NJ for this useful post.
Cougar on 5/18/2016(UTC), lottapussygalore on 5/18/2016(UTC), SaphyreRose on 5/18/2016(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/18/2016(UTC)
#85 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 12:19:29 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 5/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 99
Maybe you are and I just haven't noticed yet but you may want to advertise. While a lot of us who have been here a few years are aware of the new site because we used Uvdeviant, many are not. So far I've told four or five people about Uther3d and they had no idea it even existed. I would guess somewhere in the vicinity of 80% of RLC's members dont use the forums or even have any desire to, that's a lot of missed business, especially the new folks who never knew there was another option. If you are already advertising, then oops, ignore me Cheesy
4 users thanked Allustrial for this useful post.
Cougar on 5/18/2016(UTC), Todd73NJ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Tergiet on 5/18/2016(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/18/2016(UTC)
#86 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 12:37:16 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 4/13/2011(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Allustrial Go to Quoted Post
Maybe you are and I just haven't noticed yet but you may want to advertise. While a lot of us who have been here a few years are aware of the new site because we used Uvdeviant, many are not. So far I've told four or five people about Uther3d and they had no idea it even existed. I would guess somewhere in the vicinity of 80% of RLC's members dont use the forums or even have any desire to, that's a lot of missed business, especially the new folks who never knew there was another option. If you are already advertising, then oops, ignore me Cheesy

Or most don't care, or want to pay a fee.

Why would they?

UVDEVIANT died for a reason.
Has Biden The Coward agreed to a live discussion with Putin Yet? Of course not, He's hiding in the Whitehouse Bunker getting his diaper changed still feeling humiliated by Putin.

#87 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:20:24 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Allustrial Go to Quoted Post
Maybe you are and I just haven't noticed yet but you may want to advertise. While a lot of us who have been here a few years are aware of the new site because we used Uvdeviant, many are not. So far I've told four or five people about Uther3d and they had no idea it even existed. I would guess somewhere in the vicinity of 80% of RLC's members dont use the forums or even have any desire to, that's a lot of missed business, especially the new folks who never knew there was another option. If you are already advertising, then oops, ignore me Cheesy

You are absolutely right, Allustrial!

However, a business is a process. Advertising needs to take place at the right point in that process to be successful, otherwise its just wasted time and effort.

Look at what we started with. A broken, failing system, that people had given up on. We came up with a game plan, set a date, and put our plan into motion. We promised users functionality back by May 1st, and we met our first deadline. Bringing the AAE, and Catalogs back online, newly branded.

But as you have noticed in this thread. There were some problems. The clothing was white. Many people emailed us asking for assistance; some even did so here in this thread. It took us two weeks, but the problem is now rectified. There was nothing we could do to speed the process up, as we needed to collaborate with UV on the fix. Their focus understandably is on RLC 2, so we had to work on their time frame, and their schedule, or this fix would have never been completed. Had we advertised prior to that, and someone bought white clothing, it would have been a disappointed consumer, who may not have given us another chance. Now, the clothing sales market is booming on U3D. And honestly, Im shocked. I never thought there would be this much volume, this fast, with the primary catalog obviously being UVC. But people like Ray, and Maya have already earned hundreds and hundreds of rays, and there are at least 50-60 other designers who have already had sales on U3D. All with no advertising to this point.

And the AAE? Wow. Again beyond my dreams. While there are some people, like the last poster and a bunch of others, who are extremely jealous of other peoples successes, and want you to believe UV is dying. They will tell you RLC 2 is going to be a failure. Take a step back and look at who those people are. You wont find many successes in their virtual resume, and some even with some serious blemishes. They just dont want to see others succeed because they cant on their own. They make blanket statements, using terms like "most" as was mentioned above - but will never back up their information with facts because they have none, and are simply sulking over the positive results of others. The bottom line, in 17 days, 102 AAE subscriptions. And this doesnt count the ones we gave away for free to people who had a balance in their UVD account that disappeared with UVD. My best analysis is that by the end of May, somewhere between 200 and 250 people will be using the AAE! Now by my estimation, that is about 1% of users active in a 72 hour period, using the AAE. Thats incredible for one month and is only going to increase in time. The AAE is alive and well, and gaining momentum!

That moves us to property and prop platform of U3D. While the property catalog is working as it was, the prop section is still a major disappointment. As we have said in a few posts recently, the prop catalog is not even at 50%, and of that limited selection, many of them arent even working. We are in the process of updating this, even as I type this message right now. We need to get as close to 100% as possible. Could you imagine the disappointment of a new seller or buyer to not find the prop they want, or to find it and have it not working? And as I said, over 200 props sold in the first 17 days. Thats just awesome.

Our website is averaging over 1500 page views a day. People are coming, looking around, listing items, buying items. Again far exceeding my expectations for this point in the project!

The support from the community has been incredible as well. People like Xaoz who has offered us the usage of all of his tutorials. So many great ideas from users, like Gabriel. Most recently Monaro who has just sent us all his prop models so that we can try to bring the prop system to a fully functional level. And then just the people who are frequent users of the system... Dusty, Wumps, Tigs, Driftr, Christine, Tina, Gez, John, Armand, DurtyJay, Prof Star.. and the list goes on and on. Many of those sellers have the U3D catalog iFramed onto their profiles, and are helping us to advertise. And just take a look at some of the recent forum posts:
SaphyeRose on U3D
Ayane on U3D
Tergiet on U3D
Right now its all of you, helping us to get the word out that U3D is up and running.

Id be very remiss if I left out Utherverse as well. Staff has been awesome. They have allowed us some publicity on the splash log in screen. People like Daun who was so instrumental in providing information in the early stages when all the uncertainty was floating around the community. Aaron, and his awesome tech support, who finally helped us end the white out. And of course, Elena. Cant say enough about her. She put together the parties to make this whole project happen. She has been the go between for all questions we have that we couldnt get answered. She has helped us get some thing we needed for some upcoming features. She has put up with Ari, Terg and I for the last 45 days or so regarding this project... and still hasnt blocked us on Skype. So when you read this Brian... its time for a big raise for that woman. Read dollars, not virtual shopping currency!! But the whole UV team, has been a great help, and continues to be.

So yes, Allustrial, advertising is coming as we get things to where they need to be not to disappoint any perspective new users. What are our plans you might ask?

We plan to expand our friends list on the U3D account from the current 5200 to at least 5 times that, including all active users from 2016. At that point we plan to create tutorials, especially for the AAE. We need to show people how the AAE can make their avatar stand out from others. Exactly why a small fee of 20 rays is worth it to stand out in the crowd. We will send these tutorials out via email, comments, bulletins, etc to make people aware of its functionality. Eventually we will get to prop tutorials, clothing, etc. When people see what can be done, hopefully its functionality they feel they will use.

We want to create better profile advertisements that people can use to sell their creations. Let every user that hits every profile of a U3D Merchant see that there is another marketplace for clothes, props, properties. Things better than just an iFrame on the side of the profile. In addition, we are working on a new wishlist system that will be much more comprehensive that what we currently have.

We intend to do some outside world advertising to bring in new users as well. We have tons of experience with affiliate sign ups, and can use the new U3D website as a showcase for the entire Utherverse platform. It will bring in a new type of user than what the basic affiliate advertising focuses on.

Our most recent addition of sales notification emails has been very successful. So many people asking; Who Are you? What is U3D? etc etc. These are vendors that already have items for sale on U3D. They Didnt even realize we are back up and running. As they sell, they find out via email. As they continue to sell, they add new props, properties, clothing - which is already happening at a great rate. The market is strong, and our vendors are realizing already this is just additional income for them!

New features will help us. We are working on some automation for decos. These features becoming popular will advertise themselves. If we can continue to bring new features that arent available on the UV platform, people will find use for them. As others see their usefulness, more will be inclined to use them. I cant elaborate on these features right now, dont want to create too much of an uproar, and additional negativity from the customary few.

And probably one of the best advertising advantages that we have... Terg and Ari. Two super trustworthy, very popular, extremely intelligent users who so many look up to for their accomplishments in so many areas on Utherverse. Users see their involvement, and want to be a part of it, and feel safe doing so. Everybody wants to be part of something big and exciting.

The plan is in motion, and to this point, thanks to everyones support is way ahead of schedule. Advertising will come as the time is right. If anyone has any specific ideas for us regarding anything including features and advertsing, as we have said in this thread, and as you have seen by some of the new features already, we are listening and doing what we can to make U3D useful to all of you! We want your feedback.
7 users thanked Todd73NJ for this useful post.
lottapussygalore on 5/18/2016(UTC), SaphyreRose on 5/18/2016(UTC), Tergiet on 5/18/2016(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/18/2016(UTC), Stevetriple_HoT on 5/18/2016(UTC), __Dusty__ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Cougar on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#88 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 11:12:31 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 7/17/2008(UTC)
Posts: 5,471
Location: We're a long ways from home ToTo....

The prop upload is very easy to do and I've bugged Terg about it LOL - asking questions. I know how to do it. Clothing...eep! Not done that yet - however, I do not do much clothing so most likely will not use that feature for now.

If anyone has questions about how to prop upload, send me a email via social center or PM in here and I'll try my best to help.

This is going to be an awesome thing. Here now in RLC1 and future of RLC - thanks Todd, Ari, Terg, RLC =)
To bring your relationshipto the forums? Go ahead skip along behind a Roman soldier to the Arena; tie on your neck a steak & lay next to starving lion! Better luck!~SR There is no marvel in a woman learning to speak, but there would be in teaching her to hold her tongue~ER I won because I actually made a float - and didn't leave it as a truck.
5 users thanked SaphyreRose for this useful post.
Todd73NJ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Tergiet on 5/18/2016(UTC), __Dusty__ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Cougar on 5/19/2016(UTC), Silesa on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#89 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:25:58 PM(UTC)

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In addition to what Todd said about advertising....

How you can help us!

Send Uther3D a friend request and repost our bulletins. Just search bulletins for Uther3D.
Do like you have done, and tell your friends. There is no better advertising than word of mouth.
If you sell something on Uther3D, share that. Make forum posts, bulletins, a link on your profile or in your signature. If I see a bulletin of yours about Uther3D I will repost it too!
Use the site, and tell us what needs to be fixed or changed. Is some wording confusing? Does something just not make sense? Let us know!

4 users thanked Tergiet for this useful post.
Stevetriple_HoT on 5/18/2016(UTC), __Dusty__ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Todd73NJ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Silesa on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#90 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:54:38 PM(UTC)

Rank: Forum Regular

Joined: 4/4/2009(UTC)
Posts: 106
Originally Posted by: Tergiet Go to Quoted Post

How you can help us!
Use the site, and tell us what needs to be fixed or changed. Is some wording confusing? Does something just not make sense? Let us know!

One of the more technical issues that I had noticed even as an uploader in the UVD prop catalog was the inconsistent rendering of certain props in the 3D view pop up. Some of those views are....well...just not up to snuff and can impact a potential buyers decision to purchase one of those props. I am aware and use the workaround of taking a picture in world of the prop in question and using that in the catalog view, but still...allowing a buyer to spin the prop around and see it from many angles is very reassuring that what they see is what they will get. I cannot tell you if Atari was using the granny viewer to import the prop meshes into the current app or was using his own algorithms but it was something that was never corrected. This would allow prop designers to add more of these props to their collection and increase their sales in the process. Thanks again for your work in allowing this service to be used again.


House of Triple Design and Decoration Showroom

3 users thanked Stevetriple_HoT for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 5/18/2016(UTC), Tergiet on 5/18/2016(UTC), Todd73NJ on 5/18/2016(UTC)
#91 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 3:47:18 PM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 5/2/2012(UTC)
Posts: 4,025
Just for informative purposes on this thread,

I now have Uther3d as a widget on my profile above the SUPER List widget (upper right corner).

Clicking the widgets goes to their respective webpage.

It is easy to create using Viegoth's PROFILE WIDGET generator

“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart.” (Carl Sagan)

Quoted by:_Ga_Peach_
Best Forum Hugs Award goes to __Dusty__
4 users thanked __Dusty__ for this useful post.
Tergiet on 5/18/2016(UTC), Todd73NJ on 5/18/2016(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/18/2016(UTC), Cougar on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#92 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 4:06:47 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Stevetriple_HoT Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Tergiet Go to Quoted Post

How you can help us!
Use the site, and tell us what needs to be fixed or changed. Is some wording confusing? Does something just not make sense? Let us know!

One of the more technical issues that I had noticed even as an uploader in the UVD prop catalog was the inconsistent rendering of certain props in the 3D view pop up. Some of those views are....well...just not up to snuff and can impact a potential buyers decision to purchase one of those props. I am aware and use the workaround of taking a picture in world of the prop in question and using that in the catalog view, but still...allowing a buyer to spin the prop around and see it from many angles is very reassuring that what they see is what they will get. I cannot tell you if Atari was using the granny viewer to import the prop meshes into the current app or was using his own algorithms but it was something that was never corrected. This would allow prop designers to add more of these props to their collection and increase their sales in the process. Thanks again for your work in allowing this service to be used again.


I have noticed this too. We are missing so many, and a lot that we do have are borked. My guess is that lower LODs are being used. Its the only thing I can think of to make them look so messed up.

Monaro has been awesome and given us his model collection, so we are in the process of hopefully getting these fixed!

4 users thanked Tergiet for this useful post.
Todd73NJ on 5/18/2016(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/18/2016(UTC), Cougar on 5/19/2016(UTC), Stevetriple_HoT on 5/20/2016(UTC)
#93 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 4:26:25 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Mstrs_Dusty_DFAA Go to Quoted Post
Just for informative purposes on this thread,

I now have Uther3d as a widget on my profile above the SUPER List widget (upper right corner).

Clicking the widgets goes to their respective webpage.

It is easy to create using Viegoth's PROFILE WIDGET generator


ooooo fun toy! Thanks Dusty and OFC Vie. I have added it to our profile. Was very easy to use for sure.

2 users thanked Tergiet for this useful post.
__Dusty__ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Cougar on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#94 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:27:31 PM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 2/26/2010(UTC)
Posts: 2,880
I've been out of town this past week and came back to 2 emails from Uther3D telling me I sold some items. I love this feature. Thank you for adding it.

I was wondering will you be adding additional props to the prop catalog? I've tried loading the washer/dryer and it isn't in the selections. I know there are others not there and at first UVD would try to add them when the prop catalog first came out but then they let that go. So was wondering if you will be adding more or if what is there is all that is it
Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Discuss Events, Simple Minds Discuss People...Eleanor Roosevelt
It's true, It's true, It's all about me!
4 users thanked Sweetpea for this useful post.
Todd73NJ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Tergiet on 5/18/2016(UTC), __Dusty__ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Silesa on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#95 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:49:37 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Sweetpea25_ Go to Quoted Post
I've been out of town this past week and came back to 2 emails from Uther3D telling me I sold some items. I love this feature. Thank you for adding it.

I was wondering will you be adding additional props to the prop catalog? I've tried loading the washer/dryer and it isn't in the selections. I know there are others not there and at first UVD would try to add them when the prop catalog first came out but then they let that go. So was wondering if you will be adding more or if what is there is all that is it

We are currently working on adding more props and fixing the broken ones :D

2 users thanked Tergiet for this useful post.
__Dusty__ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Sweetpea on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#96 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:49:40 PM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 9/5/2011(UTC)
Posts: 2,166
Originally Posted by: Sweetpea25_ Go to Quoted Post
I've been out of town this past week and came back to 2 emails from Uther3D telling me I sold some items. I love this feature. Thank you for adding it.

I was wondering will you be adding additional props to the prop catalog? I've tried loading the washer/dryer and it isn't in the selections. I know there are others not there and at first UVD would try to add them when the prop catalog first came out but then they let that go. So was wondering if you will be adding more or if what is there is all that is it

We are so glad that you like the email notification system. We figure it's a great way to let people know that they've made money and that sales are going on

If you scroll up to my long reply about three above, we are working on props. We are trying to get it to 100%. We know there are a lot missing and a lot not working and it is very high on our priority list.
3 users thanked Todd73NJ for this useful post.
Tergiet on 5/18/2016(UTC), __Dusty__ on 5/18/2016(UTC), Sweetpea on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#97 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:04:18 PM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 5/2/2012(UTC)
Posts: 4,025
Originally Posted by: Tergiet Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Mstrs_Dusty_DFAA Go to Quoted Post
Just for informative purposes on this thread,

I now have Uther3d as a widget on my profile above the SUPER List widget (upper right corner).

Clicking the widgets goes to their respective webpage.

It is easy to create using Viegoth's PROFILE WIDGET generator


ooooo fun toy! Thanks Dusty and OFC Vie. I have added it to our profile. Was very easy to use for sure.

Looks good Terg Smile

I also added a link in my showroom as well:

Showroom: vww://utherverse.vww/@78902/@488649
“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart.” (Carl Sagan)

Quoted by:_Ga_Peach_
Best Forum Hugs Award goes to __Dusty__
4 users thanked __Dusty__ for this useful post.
Tergiet on 5/18/2016(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/18/2016(UTC), Cougar on 5/19/2016(UTC), Todd73NJ on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#98 Posted : Thursday, May 19, 2016 6:40:59 AM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 9/5/2011(UTC)
Posts: 2,166
Originally Posted by: Sweetpea25_ Go to Quoted Post
I've been out of town this past week and came back to 2 emails from Uther3D telling me I sold some items. I love this feature. Thank you for adding it.

I was wondering will you be adding additional props to the prop catalog? I've tried loading the washer/dryer and it isn't in the selections. I know there are others not there and at first UVD would try to add them when the prop catalog first came out but then they let that go. So was wondering if you will be adding more or if what is there is all that is it

We will add the Washer/Dryer to the first wave of props to be fixed/added!
#99 Posted : Thursday, May 19, 2016 1:46:20 PM(UTC)

Rank: Forum Regular

Joined: 5/1/2010(UTC)
Posts: 218
Originally Posted by: Todd73NJ Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Todd73NJ Go to Quoted Post

We did add anonymous gifting to the potential features list. But it wont be something that will be done in the near future. Working on a few other big changes and features at the moment. But it has been noted Smile

Thankyou Cheesy

We are going to have to find a way to stalker proof it though... we dont want someone anonymously sending someone a new dildo prop each day of the week. That could be kind of freaky.

....uHhmm...what SORT of dildos where you talking about?
2 users thanked Katrin_Vesuvino for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 5/19/2016(UTC), Todd73NJ on 5/19/2016(UTC)
#100 Posted : Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:00:56 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: KatrinVesuvinoLW Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Todd73NJ Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Todd73NJ Go to Quoted Post

We did add anonymous gifting to the potential features list. But it wont be something that will be done in the near future. Working on a few other big changes and features at the moment. But it has been noted Smile

Thankyou Cheesy

We are going to have to find a way to stalker proof it though... we dont want someone anonymously sending someone a new dildo prop each day of the week. That could be kind of freaky.

....uHhmm...what SORT of dildos where you talking about?

Hard ones! I'll find you some examples when I'm not posting from mobile! Smile
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