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Creating and Adding Music Playlist to Profile
#1 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2015 8:21:48 AM(UTC)

Rank: Novice Forum Member

Joined: 12/12/2011(UTC)
Posts: 5
What are the current recommendations for creating a customized music playlist, generating HTML code to autostart when a guest views an Utherverse profile?
I used to use Playlist.com but I have not found it friendly to generate HTML code any longer.
I also used to embed the HTML code in the 'About Me' of a profile.

1 user thanked Night_Hawk1224 for this useful post.
Silesa on 5/5/2015(UTC)
#2 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2015 4:50:05 PM(UTC)

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you might try using a youtube playlist. check this thread http://forums.utherverse...music-on-my-profile.aspx
its in the Super How-To list http://forums.utherverse...music-on-my-profile.aspx

oh and set autostart=1 or autostart=true for autoplay.

#3 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2015 9:28:09 AM(UTC)

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brooketv is another option can add playlist to that too its 300 rays and can be installed in any zaby only one per player but can be put anywhere in that one zaby
#4 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2015 10:03:43 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Gez_TV_Service Go to Quoted Post
brooketv is another option can add playlist to that too its 300 rays and can be installed in any zaby only one per player but can be put anywhere in that one zaby

Gez, they ask for instructions about adding a Playlist in a Profile page!

BrookeTV is great for Zaby playlists and great music and films content!


#5 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2015 11:02:53 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Night_Hawk1224 Go to Quoted Post
What are the current recommendations for creating a customized music playlist, generating HTML code to autostart when a guest views an Utherverse profile?
I used to use Playlist.com but I have not found it friendly to generate HTML code any longer.
I also used to embed the HTML code in the 'About Me' of a profile.


See these 2 helpfull links:




Also, check this informative post by MuonGold:

Originally Posted by: MuonGold Go to Quoted Post
I get this question constantly. Most of the posts here are good but nothing is specific to answer the very simple question. How can I add a video to my zaby. There are many ways of course but this is direct and simple.

Browse YouTube, find the video you want to use. Click "share", then "embed", then click "use old embed code". Copy it and you'll get some crap like below:

object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FeojbNJyjSM?version=3&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FeojbNJyjSM?version=3&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object

Just take the highlited part, add &autoplay=1 to the end like this:


Then paste that in the "Movie URL" line of the "add flash control" script on a sign_01 with a scale option of "no scale". Poof instant YouTube.

A more advanced way of thinking of this is first you have the flash item http://www.youtube.com/v/FeojbNJyjSM . This is a flash program, the actual program that displays the video. Everything after the ? are options separated by &'s. You can actually strip out the garbage and rewrite it like this:


Make your youtube video repeat. Add a playlist and tell it to loop


Here is the official YouTube developers page describing all the available options.

This way of dealing with Youtube can be applied to anything flash. Redtube for example. To embed you get a bunch of crap like this:

object height="344" width="434"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="false"><param name="movie" value="http://embed.redtube.com/player/"><param name="FlashVars" value="id=45904&style=redtube&autostart=false"><embed src="http://embed.redtube.com/player/?id=45904&style=redtube" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="autostart=false" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="344" width="434" /></object<br /><a href="http://www.redtube.com/45904">Taking a cock in the ass while using vibrator</a> brought to you by <a href="http://www.redtube.com/">RedTube - Home of free porn videos</a>

Just pull out what I highlighted in the "embed src" line and you'll get:


Similar to YouTube, the http://embed.redtube.com/player/ is the flash video player program and everything after the ? is an option separated by &'s.

You'll have to test and experiment with the flash object you want to use but every embed code can be simplified to just it's flash program, a ? followed by &'s of options. The options are always unique and specific to who actually wrote the software.

Good luck and happy vidz!




1 user thanked Loving_INTENSE for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 5/3/2015(UTC)
#6 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2015 11:20:17 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 3,168
For a more specific way to add a playlist from Youtube:

• IFrame embeds using <iframe> tags
Define an <iframe> tag in your application in which the src URL specifies the content

that the player will load as well as any other player parameters you want to set. The <iframe> tag's height and width parameters specify the dimensions of the player.
If you are creating the <iframe> element yourself (rather than using the IFrame Player API to create it),

you can append player parameters directly to the end of the URL. The URL has the following format:


The <iframe> tag below would load a 640x360px player that would play a YouTube video

Since the URL sets the autoplay parameter to 1, the video would play automatically once the player has loaded.

complete code is:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/pZmUTT6KKIA?autoplay=1&loop=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

• Loading a playlist

Set the listType player parameter to playlist.

In addition, set the list player parameter to the YouTube playlist ID that you want to load.


Note that you need to prepend the playlist ID with the letters PL as shown in the following example:


After obtaining a playlist ID, replace the PLAYLIST_ID text in the URL above with that value.

some examples:

one Video:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/pZmUTT6KKIA?autoplay=1&loop=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/pPFabRaQI-0?autoplay=1&loop=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLUUZw_54DfSZYBOmcKlGZFVYw&autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


2 users thanked Loving_INTENSE for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 5/3/2015(UTC), GISELz on 5/3/2015(UTC)
#7 Posted : Tuesday, May 05, 2015 3:37:44 AM(UTC)

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These always worked fine for me and saves on typing... you can always edit the text after it makes it for you.
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2 users thanked Silesa for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 5/5/2015(UTC), Loving_INTENSE on 5/11/2015(UTC)
#8 Posted : Monday, May 11, 2015 2:58:50 PM(UTC)

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As of April 2015, YouTube changed their coding so that they do not offer the old embed code any longer.
I will try some of these other ideas.
#9 Posted : Monday, May 11, 2015 8:56:29 PM(UTC)

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Its been about 4 years since I've messed with playlists for profiles. The best way is to get a free server like Listen2myradio.com (if all you want it for is your profile) Its free and easy to setup. I wouldn't use it for broadcasting shows though.
if that doesn't work for you try this link http://www.mp3musicplaylist.com/ *caution* I haven't tested it, just found it on a google search.
Like I said above. Having your own server is the best way, in my opinion to go for a profile player.

#10 Posted : Monday, May 11, 2015 9:15:03 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Night_Hawk1224 Go to Quoted Post
What are the current recommendations for creating a customized music playlist, generating HTML code to autostart when a guest views an Utherverse profile?
I used to use Playlist.com but I have not found it friendly to generate HTML code any longer.
I also used to embed the HTML code in the 'About Me' of a profile.


Vie made a profile player too,

maybe you can ask him!

Originally Posted by: Viegoth Go to Quoted Post
I'm testing a new music stream setup that I just configured on a spare Mac I had laying around.

This thing isn't running on a major stream provider, so I don't know how the quality will be (I'm hosting it locally). Also, I'm currently using a hacked-together configuration, so you won't get to see song titles or anything like that.

For this testing, I'm going to be streaming 46 tracks of Nightwish on auto-random-repeat at 128kbps for the remainder of the night.

So if you like Nightwish (or even if you don't know who they are and want to check out something new), click the link below to open the player.

Nightwish Radio Test


EDIT: Feel free to leave comments and let me know if you experience any problems with the stream. I'm trying to decide which route I want to go with this, so feedback is appreciated.

1 user thanked Loving_INTENSE for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 5/11/2015(UTC)
#11 Posted : Monday, May 11, 2015 9:33:09 PM(UTC)

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Another solution is to use Winamp to make a playlist and imbed it on your homepage... too tired right now to go through how to do it.
I'm sure others will post how. Or I will tomorrow sometime.

1 user thanked LazTopCat for this useful post.
Loving_INTENSE on 5/12/2015(UTC)
#12 Posted : Monday, May 11, 2015 10:34:23 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Another solution is to use Winamp to make a playlist and imbed it on your homepage... too tired right now to go through how to do it.
I'm sure others will post how. Or I will tomorrow sometime.

Actually, this is a really good option for anyone who wants to spend a few minutes installing and setting up software. Using Winamp and the SHOUTcast plugin, you can set up your own private music stream with a playlist. Then you can stream it directly to your profile using the SHOUTcast DNAS stream server and a music player on your profile.

But, this discussion has given me an interesting idea for a new project. I wonder how hard it would be to make a player that pulls up music files directly from a person's computer and plays them on their profile.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

VC Designs (Viegoth Customs)

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5 users thanked Viegoth for this useful post.
LazTopCat on 5/11/2015(UTC), Loving_INTENSE on 5/12/2015(UTC), Monaro66 on 5/12/2015(UTC), __Dusty__ on 5/12/2015(UTC), PixelJim on 5/12/2015(UTC)
#13 Posted : Monday, May 11, 2015 10:46:44 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Viegoth Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Another solution is to use Winamp to make a playlist and imbed it on your homepage... too tired right now to go through how to do it.
I'm sure others will post how. Or I will tomorrow sometime.

Actually, this is a really good option for anyone who wants to spend a few minutes installing and setting up software. Using Winamp and the SHOUTcast plugin, you can set up your own private music stream with a playlist. Then you can stream it directly to your profile using the SHOUTcast DNAS stream server and a music player on your profile.

But, this discussion has given me an interesting idea for a new project. I wonder how hard it would be to make a player that pulls up music files directly from a person's computer and plays them on their profile.

Hmmm, THAT would be way cool!!!

2 users thanked LazTopCat for this useful post.
Loving_INTENSE on 5/12/2015(UTC), __Dusty__ on 5/12/2015(UTC)
#14 Posted : Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:53:19 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Viegoth Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Another solution is to use Winamp to make a playlist and imbed it on your homepage... too tired right now to go through how to do it.
I'm sure others will post how. Or I will tomorrow sometime.

Actually, this is a really good option for anyone who wants to spend a few minutes installing and setting up software. Using Winamp and the SHOUTcast plugin, you can set up your own private music stream with a playlist. Then you can stream it directly to your profile using the SHOUTcast DNAS stream server and a music player on your profile.

But, this discussion has given me an interesting idea for a new project. I wonder how hard it would be to make a player that pulls up music files directly from a person's computer and plays them on their profile.

Do you think VLC player

could help more, in streaming?

It has also Android and Ios

versions, too


#15 Posted : Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:05:46 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Loving_INTENSE Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Viegoth Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Another solution is to use Winamp to make a playlist and imbed it on your homepage... too tired right now to go through how to do it.
I'm sure others will post how. Or I will tomorrow sometime.

Actually, this is a really good option for anyone who wants to spend a few minutes installing and setting up software. Using Winamp and the SHOUTcast plugin, you can set up your own private music stream with a playlist. Then you can stream it directly to your profile using the SHOUTcast DNAS stream server and a music player on your profile.

But, this discussion has given me an interesting idea for a new project. I wonder how hard it would be to make a player that pulls up music files directly from a person's computer and plays them on their profile.

Do you think VLC player

could help more, in streaming?

It has also Android and Ios

versions, too


I dunno... I've never tried using VLC to stream across the internet. Not to mention the setup required to do it. It's possible, but not something I've ever considered.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

VC Designs (Viegoth Customs)

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#16 Posted : Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:08:57 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Viegoth Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: LazTopCat Go to Quoted Post
Another solution is to use Winamp to make a playlist and imbed it on your homepage... too tired right now to go through how to do it.
I'm sure others will post how. Or I will tomorrow sometime.

Actually, this is a really good option for anyone who wants to spend a few minutes installing and setting up software. Using Winamp and the SHOUTcast plugin, you can set up your own private music stream with a playlist. Then you can stream it directly to your profile using the SHOUTcast DNAS stream server and a music player on your profile.

But, this discussion has given me an interesting idea for a new project. I wonder how hard it would be to make a player that pulls up music files directly from a person's computer and plays them on their profile.

Hmmm, THAT would be way cool!!!

Preliminary draft...(click to view)

This is just the first draft of the concept. There's still a lot of work to be done and things to figure out, but I wanted to at least get started on the player side of things. But for now, it does pull the list of songs directly from a folder on my computer and play them. So that's one step accomplished.

Edit: Music auto starts now and continues through each song in the playlist.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

VC Designs (Viegoth Customs)

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3 users thanked Viegoth for this useful post.
__Dusty__ on 5/12/2015(UTC), Loving_INTENSE on 5/14/2015(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/14/2015(UTC)
#17 Posted : Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:26:44 AM(UTC)

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If anyone can develop this or figure it out. . .I am sure it is you Vie!!
“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart.” (Carl Sagan)

Quoted by:_Ga_Peach_
Best Forum Hugs Award goes to __Dusty__
2 users thanked __Dusty__ for this useful post.
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#18 Posted : Tuesday, May 12, 2015 9:17:22 AM(UTC)

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If you have a place to upload music, and can get the direct urls for the files, I have code for a player you can use.


<table align="center" bgcolor= rgb (255,255,255)><td align="center">
<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false"   allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" src="http://music.rlcresource.com/player.swf" menu="false" quality="high" width="300" height="320" name="index" allowScriptAccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="playList=http://music.rlcresource.com/sweetguy.xml&ShowPlaylist=1&ShowEQ=1&firstTrack=1&initVol=50" wmode="transparent" border="1" / ></td></table>

Using that code, you would need to have your own customized xml file for it to pull from, preferably in the same location of the music.

Here is the code contained in the xml file shown above.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Blake Shelton/Red River Blue (Deluxe)/Addicted (Bonus Track).mp3" title="Addicted - Blake Shelton" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Garth Brooks/Blue-Eyed Soul/Stand By Me.mp3" title="Garth Brooks - Stand By Me" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Garth Brooks/Garth Brooks/The Dance.mp3" title="Garth Brooks - The Dance" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Randy Travis/Greatest 1 Hits/Forever and Ever Amen.mp3" title="Randy Travis - Forever and Ever, Amen" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Aerosmith/O Yeah Ultimate Aerosmith Hits Disc 1/Dream On.mp3" title="Aerosmith - Dream On" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Alabama/For The Record Disc 1/Lady Down On Love.mp3" title="Alabama - Lady Down On Love" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Kid Rock/Devil Without A Cause/Only God Knows Why.mp3" title="Kid Rock - Only God Knows Why" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Sarah McLachlan/Rarities, B-Sides & Other Stuff/I Will Remember You.mp3" title="Sarah McLachlan - I Will Remember You" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Toby Keith/How Do You Like Me Now-!/How Do You Like Me Now-.mp3" title="Toby Keith - How Do You Like Me Now?" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Soundtracks/Original Motion Picture Soundtrack/Top Gun [Expanded]/Top Gun Anthem.mp3" title="Top Gun Soundtrack - Top Gun Anthem" />

Create an xml file in that format, and replace the above urls and names with the ones you have uploaded.

Check out the above example at: http://www.utherverse.com/sweetguy close to the comments section.
3 users thanked DJ_SweetGuy for this useful post.
Loving_INTENSE on 5/12/2015(UTC), PixelJim on 5/14/2015(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/14/2015(UTC)
#19 Posted : Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:48:17 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: DJ_SweetGuy Go to Quoted Post
If you have a place to upload music, and can get the direct urls for the files, I have code for a player you can use.


<table align="center" bgcolor= rgb (255,255,255)><td align="center">
<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false"   allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" src="http://music.rlcresource.com/player.swf" menu="false" quality="high" width="300" height="320" name="index" allowScriptAccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="playList=http://music.rlcresource.com/sweetguy.xml&ShowPlaylist=1&ShowEQ=1&firstTrack=1&initVol=50" wmode="transparent" border="1" / ></td></table>

Using that code, you would need to have your own customized xml file for it to pull from, preferably in the same location of the music.

Here is the code contained in the xml file shown above.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Blake Shelton/Red River Blue (Deluxe)/Addicted (Bonus Track).mp3" title="Addicted - Blake Shelton" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Garth Brooks/Blue-Eyed Soul/Stand By Me.mp3" title="Garth Brooks - Stand By Me" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Garth Brooks/Garth Brooks/The Dance.mp3" title="Garth Brooks - The Dance" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Randy Travis/Greatest 1 Hits/Forever and Ever Amen.mp3" title="Randy Travis - Forever and Ever, Amen" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Aerosmith/O Yeah Ultimate Aerosmith Hits Disc 1/Dream On.mp3" title="Aerosmith - Dream On" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Alabama/For The Record Disc 1/Lady Down On Love.mp3" title="Alabama - Lady Down On Love" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Kid Rock/Devil Without A Cause/Only God Knows Why.mp3" title="Kid Rock - Only God Knows Why" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Sarah McLachlan/Rarities, B-Sides & Other Stuff/I Will Remember You.mp3" title="Sarah McLachlan - I Will Remember You" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Toby Keith/How Do You Like Me Now-!/How Do You Like Me Now-.mp3" title="Toby Keith - How Do You Like Me Now?" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Soundtracks/Original Motion Picture Soundtrack/Top Gun [Expanded]/Top Gun Anthem.mp3" title="Top Gun Soundtrack - Top Gun Anthem" />

Create an xml file in that format, and replace the above urls and names with the ones you have uploaded.

Check out the above example at: http://www.utherverse.com/sweetguy close to the comments section.

Flash security doesn't allow cross domain playlist retrieval. All this means is that the swf player must also accompany the xml file and the music. So on your server it would look like this.

music folder/songs.mp3

To obtain the player right click "Save target as" in IE or "Save link as" in Firefox.
4 users thanked Hot_Liquor for this useful post.
Loving_INTENSE on 5/14/2015(UTC), PixelJim on 5/14/2015(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/14/2015(UTC), DJ_SweetGuy on 5/14/2015(UTC)
#20 Posted : Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:19:27 AM(UTC)

Rank: Veteran Forum Member

Joined: 10/9/2009(UTC)
Posts: 2,358
Originally Posted by: DJ_SweetGuy Go to Quoted Post
If you have a place to upload music, and can get the direct urls for the files, I have code for a player you can use.


<table align="center" bgcolor= rgb (255,255,255)><td align="center">
<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false"   allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" src="http://music.rlcresource.com/player.swf" menu="false" quality="high" width="300" height="320" name="index" allowScriptAccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="playList=http://music.rlcresource.com/sweetguy.xml&ShowPlaylist=1&ShowEQ=1&firstTrack=1&initVol=50" wmode="transparent" border="1" / ></td></table>

Using that code, you would need to have your own customized xml file for it to pull from, preferably in the same location of the music.

Here is the code contained in the xml file shown above.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Blake Shelton/Red River Blue (Deluxe)/Addicted (Bonus Track).mp3" title="Addicted - Blake Shelton" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Garth Brooks/Blue-Eyed Soul/Stand By Me.mp3" title="Garth Brooks - Stand By Me" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Garth Brooks/Garth Brooks/The Dance.mp3" title="Garth Brooks - The Dance" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Randy Travis/Greatest 1 Hits/Forever and Ever Amen.mp3" title="Randy Travis - Forever and Ever, Amen" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Aerosmith/O Yeah Ultimate Aerosmith Hits Disc 1/Dream On.mp3" title="Aerosmith - Dream On" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Alabama/For The Record Disc 1/Lady Down On Love.mp3" title="Alabama - Lady Down On Love" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Kid Rock/Devil Without A Cause/Only God Knows Why.mp3" title="Kid Rock - Only God Knows Why" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Sarah McLachlan/Rarities, B-Sides & Other Stuff/I Will Remember You.mp3" title="Sarah McLachlan - I Will Remember You" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Toby Keith/How Do You Like Me Now-!/How Do You Like Me Now-.mp3" title="Toby Keith - How Do You Like Me Now?" />
<song path="http://music.rlcresource.com/Soundtracks/Original Motion Picture Soundtrack/Top Gun [Expanded]/Top Gun Anthem.mp3" title="Top Gun Soundtrack - Top Gun Anthem" />

Create an xml file in that format, and replace the above urls and names with the ones you have uploaded.

Check out the above example at: http://www.utherverse.com/sweetguy close to the comments section.

Ok, stage 2 is complete. I now have an application that serves up music files directly from my hard drive to a web player.

And to go one further, I even wrote it so it will work with SweetGuy's player above.

You can check out both players by clicking one of the images below. Both players play the same music files directly off my hard drive.

Now I just need to complete Stage 3, which is cleaning it all up and making it super simple for just about anyone to use.

And just in case anyone is wonder what the hell this is all about... if you read up a few posts, my goal is to make a profile player that people can use to play their own music without having to spend money or set up a complicated hosting site that they can upload music to. This will allow people to play music right from their own computer on their profiles.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

VC Designs (Viegoth Customs)

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5 users thanked Viegoth for this useful post.
Loving_INTENSE on 5/14/2015(UTC), PixelJim on 5/14/2015(UTC), Pryss_2 on 5/14/2015(UTC), LazTopCat on 5/14/2015(UTC), DJ_SweetGuy on 5/14/2015(UTC)
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